6 important statistics of any Marketer Facebook needs attention

Here are 6 important indicators that you need to track to see how well your Facebook page works, why you need them and where to find them.

Are you following your Facebook Marketing campaigns? Do you feel vague when looking at the statistics in Facebook Page? Facebook metrics seem a bit heavy and most of the terms in Facebook Insights are still not clear. But, as a marketing person, you need to know what can be measured, what information management and what can be improved. Even if it's complicated, you still have to measure your Facebook page effectively .

Which data to measure on Facebook page?

First (and most important) you need to focus on metrics related to the page post. This is the most recent indicator that shows how effective the page is, but measuring the index for each post is not easy. Other data may be misleading or not too important. Here are 6 important indicators that you need to track to see how well your Facebook page works, why you need them and where to find them.

1. Fan Reach
2. Organic Reach
3. Engagement
4. People Talking About This (Storytellers)
5. Click-Through Rate
6. Negative Feedback

1. Fan Reach

Fan Reach is simply the number of Page fans who see any post . This is an organic number, meaning that it only records live activities, not through fan activities like likes, comments, or sharing. Views coming from friends' activities are recorded as "viral".

Where can you find Fan Reach data?

There are 2 ways to see Fan Reach data. The first way is to go to the Insights section of your Page and select Posts. The list of postings displayed will then bring more information. Pay attention to the Reach section above, click on the drop and select " Reach: Fans / Non - Fans " so that Facebook can filter out the number of Reach of the Fan group and the non-Fan group.

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Number of Fan Reach and Non-Fan Reach

The second way is to choose to export the data into an Excel file using the following steps. In the Overview section (located in Insights), select Export Data. All data you can find in this Excel file while not all data is displayed right on the Facebook interface.

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In the dialog box that appears, select Post Level Data to export data about the post on the page. The right file format select Excel (.xls). You can also select a specific time period for the data by selecting the start and end time. Then just click on Download to download the Excel file to your computer.

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Select the time for the post

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Data export options

In the Excel file, data about this post, you will see a lot of extremely detailed data. Arrange Fan Reach according to each post displayed in the Lifetime Post Reach by people who like your Page section . This column is in the Key Metrics tab of the Excel file, you drag the scroll bar to the right to find it. Although the interface is not easy to see but this data is quite important and also worth taking the time to study.

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Fan Reach data in Excel file

Why is Fan Reach important?

The number of fans accessing each post is probably one of the most important indicators . It helps you measure the attractiveness of post content to people who like your page and also to indicate their quality. People who like pages due to eye-catching contests (or worse, through a lot of other "fans selling" pages) will quickly hide their Newsfeed posts. If they do not actively cancel the tracking, they are also less interested (and therefore less interactive) that your post will not be displayed by Facebook's EdgeRank feature.

Fan Reach is the most important indicator of the "health" and effectiveness of Facebook pages. The higher the fan quality and the more attractive the content, the more fans (and potential fans) will be able to reach your post.

2. Organic Reach

Organic Reach indicates the number of people - including those who like and don't like your page - see a certain post . Like Fan Reach, this is a natural number, not a fan's activity (counted in Viral Reach). The difference between Reach Reach and Organic Reach is the second parameter including those who don't like your page but have direct access and see the content.

See where Organic Reach data is?

Like Fan Reach, you can find this data right on the Facebook interface or in the Excel file. In the original Reach section, select " Reach: Organic / Paid " to see the statistics or find the " Lifetime Post Organic Reach " column in the Key Metrics tab .

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Number of Organic Reach

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It should be noted that Fan Reach and Organic Reach may vary slightly between pages. The example below shows the difference between the 2 pages when comparing the 2 results above.

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Natural access does not always accurately reflect the number of fans who have access to the post . So before you go to Organic Reach instead of Fan Reach, check if your page has a big difference between these two numbers.

Why is Organic Reach important?

Organic Reach can replace Fan Reach but only if the average difference is not too large. Index of Organic Reach can also help you find ways to improve the natural visibility of the content. For example, when Organic Reach is close to Fan Reach , it means that people often don't see the content if they don't like your page.

That may be the result of poor page promotion on other channels. If there are websites, blogs or newsletters that Organic Reach with Fan Reach still have a little difference, you probably haven't attracted new people to see your content. In this case, try promoting the site on other channels and you will see the Organic Reach index increase.

3. Engagement

According to Facebook, when it comes to post-related parameters, Engagement refers to the number of people who click on any post on your post. That is, like Like, Comment or Share, the number of people watching your video or clicking on Link or the image you share . It also includes the number of people clicking on the commenter's name, liking a comment, clicking on the name of the page and even giving a negative feedback by reporting the post.

Engaged Users - Interactive users who click on your content. This is the second important data after the Reach level parameters. While Reach says how many people see your post, Engagement indicates how many people actually interact with that content .

Where to find statistics about Engagement?

Also at the list of posts mentioned above, next to the Reach column , you will see the Engagement section . In Excel files, this figure is shown in the Lifetime Engaged Users section.

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If you look at this data on the Facebook interface, you can also choose the exact number of clicks, comments, sharing or interaction rate - Engagement Rate with the options in the dropdown.

Why is Engagement important?

The level of interaction - whether in any form like likes, comments, sharing or even in more passive forms like watching videos, clicking on links or enlarging images - is probably the number The second important thing to care about if you really want to measure the effectiveness of the Fan Page. Viewed by many people is still not enough, you need to ensure that your content can create excitement for viewers and the level of interaction is the way to measure .

When measuring interactivity, don't just focus on the rough numbers you see in the Insights section. The only way to really understand this number and compare posts with each other is to look at the number of people interacting by the number of people who reach the post . The only way to compare metrics on the level of interaction with posts is through percentages. This will be the number you use to improve the effectiveness of each post.

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The number of people interacting divided by the number of people approaching

If only based on the number of people interacting, you will never know the good interaction on each post is due to the quality of the content or simply because there are more people viewing it. Percentage will include the level of user access and help you compare more accurate posts.

4. People Talking About This (Storytellers)

People Talking About This also known as Storytellers is one of the parameters that few people understand. This number is part of Engagement, ie the number of Storytellers among the Engaged Users mentioned above. The difference is that the PTAT number only measures three activities, like likes, comments and sharing , or to be more specific, this PTAT number indicates how many fans actually have interactive actions so their friends can see.

Where to Find People Numbers Talking About This?

Previously, users could see this parameter right on the Facebook interface but now Facebook has removed this parameter and you must see it in Excel file. The numbers are in the Lifetime Talking About This tab, which brings the number of people who like, comment, share for each post.

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Why is People Talking About This important?

Here is a "viral" parameter. One of the motivations for marketing people to create a Facebook Page is by being able to connect with friends for free. The PTAT number probably best measures the number of people who are willing to share your content with their friends . Remember that when a user likes, comments or shares a post on your site, Facebook may display that action on their friends' Facebook. Calling "possible" because Facebook also limits the approach to these activities.

Although this should not be expected, Facebook is still the best place to leverage your story.

5. Ratio Click-Through

This number is probably familiar to you. CTR or Click-Through Rate has been available for many years, used to measure the effectiveness of the Marketing form by email, banner ads, search engine advertising such as Adwords or Landing Page quality.

In Facebook, it also has the same meaning, indicating the number of people clicking on the link in your content, watching your video or viewing images at a larger size .

Where to find the Click-Through ratio parameter?

You will not see this ratio on the Facebook interface but must look in the Excel file. Tab named Lifetime Post Consumers by Type will bring up the number of people clicking anywhere on your post. The right tab will bring up the number of clicks anywhere on the post. Each post is classified Link, Photo or Video.

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Why is Click-Through rate important?

Knowing how many people see content (Reach) is good, knowing how many people are interested in content (Engagement) is better, but the key is how many people are interested enough to pay attention to your content , that is, they take the time to watch the video, see the image or link you share. The click-through rate is the tool at the bottom of the funnel that measures content quality, so keep an eye on it

6. Negative Feedback

Negative feedback is the negative actions of fans to your content. It could be hiding a post, hiding future posts of the page, disabling the page or even the worst, reporting the post as spam . Simply put, this data shows the number of users who really do not like your content.

Where to find Negative Feedback data?

This number can be found in the Engagement section as mentioned above or in the Lifetime Negative Feedback tab . The data on Facebook brings only the total number, but you also want to see the details of each action, you need to see in Excel file.

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Why is Negative Feedback important?

From September 2012, Facebook began to value more negative feedback. Posts with many negative feedbacks will be less likely to appear through EdgeRack and pages with more negative feedback will also be less accessible. Needless to say, if you want to benefit from Facebook marketing, you need to keep this number as low as possible.

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As well as the interaction parameters (number of users interacting, the number of people talking about the page .), when measuring negative feedback, don't just look at the absolute number. The only way for you to understand and compare data is to create relative numbers equal to the percentage of people who give negative feedback on the number of people who reach the post . The percentage obtained will be much more significant because it takes into account the element of access to the post when compared.

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Measuring the effectiveness of a Facebook Page can be a complicated task when you have to look at the numbers in Facebook Insight and Excel files. But you will also realize the benefits of understanding where those data come from, what it means and what you can do to improve. Once you get used to those parameters, you can also use third-party tools, including free and paid options.

Update 24 May 2019


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