US police believe Android smartphones are harder to penetrate than iPhones

Apple's iPhone has always been arguably the most secure phone in the world. But US investigators have discovered that smartphones using Google's Android operating system are becoming more secure and difficult to penetrate than the iPhone.

Apple's iPhone has always been arguably the most secure phone in the world. But US investigators have discovered that smartphones using Google's Android operating system are becoming more secure and even harder to penetrate than the iPhone.

In January 2019, in an arrest of drug dealer Angel Angulo, American police confiscated an LG device running Android of this name (unknown model). Members of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were unable to cross the smartphone lock screen with a dedicated tool to find more evidence. The agency is asking for an extension of the investigation for another 120 days to find ways to open the device and find more evidence in the phone.

Picture 1 of US police believe Android smartphones are harder to penetrate than iPhones

Android smartphones are increasingly appreciated for security compared to iPhone.

The US investigating agency has admitted that the Android operating system is becoming safer and more difficult to penetrate. Even some experts in charge of decoding digital devices have long believed that security on Android phones has surpassed the iPhone.

Some experts say that the new updates of Android have continuously been added with security features and regular upgrades that making passing their lock screen more and more difficult.

An unnamed source of ATF revealed, a tool that can hack this iPhone can also overcome the defense system of the iPhone or other iOS devices. However, with Android smartphones this will not happen because each machine has different customization from the company.

Picture 2 of US police believe Android smartphones are harder to penetrate than iPhones

However, in some cases iPhone still surpasses Android, such as face unlocking.

In an experiment that identifies a face with a print head with a 3D printer, the Android samrtphone is unlocked, OnePlus is the easiest to open. However, with iPhone this does not happen.

Update 27 May 2019


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