Tricks using the Hashtag on Twitter

On Twitter you can add a # symbol (hashtag) before a keyword to search for hashtag tags. Using hashtag will give more accurate results.

Like Facebook or Instagram, Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to upload images, write and share content of limited length (140 characters).

On Twitter you can add a # symbol (hashtag) before a keyword to search for hashtag tags. Using hashtag will give more accurate results.

Picture 1 of Tricks using the Hashtag on Twitter

Definition of Hashtag : The # symbol is called a hashtag. Hashtag is used to mark related keywords or topics on a Tweet. Hashtag is created by Twitter users like a way to classify Tweet.

1. Use Hashtags to categorize Tweets by keywords

  1. Twitter users use the hashtag # icon before a related keyword or phrase (no spaces) on the Tweet to categorize the Tweet and make it easier for them to search Tweet it on Twitter Search.
  1. When you click on a Hashtag in any message, it will display all the Tweets marked with that Hashtag.
  1. You can place the Hashtag # anywhere on the Tweet: at the top, in the middle or at the end of the Tweet.
  1. Popular Hashtag is usually Trending Topics (theme hashtag).

For example: In the example Tweet below, there is hashtag #FF . Users create this Hashtag to abbreviate the phrase "Follow Friday" (follow the 6th day).

Picture 2 of Tricks using the Hashtag on Twitter

2. Use hashtags correctly

  1. If your Twitter account is set to public, when your Tweet has a Hashtag that other users are searching for, then that user will also find your Tweet.
  1. Do not use Spam Hashtag too much Hashtag on one Tweet.The best way is to use no more than 2 Hashtag per Tweet.
  1. Only use Hashtags related to the topic on Tweet.

You can refer to some of the following articles:

  1. Instructions for using Hashtag on Facebook

  2. Simple way to create, set up a Twitter account

  3. Tricks or certain Twitter users should not be ignored

Good luck!

Update 24 May 2019


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