Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

The use of NOTE notes will be of great help to you remember important tasks. Taking notes even on a computer will help us to more or less remember the necessary information. So, let's go with to find the Top 3 note taking software on the best computer!

The use of NOTE notes will be of great help to you remember important tasks. Taking notes even on a computer will help us to more or less remember the necessary information. So, let's go with to find the Top 3 note taking software on the best computer!

Picture 1 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

1. PNotes note software

Picture 2 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

One of the free note-taking software used by many users is probably PNotes .

You can download and install the software at:

With PNotes, you can change the font style for each note, name the content, change the color of each note, display with many different interface types.

In addition, PNotes also has a function to remind users by sound. User optional time to remind the software.

Picture 3 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

2. Notes software 7 Sticky Notes

Picture 4 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

Picture 5 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

7 Sticky Notes is also a free note-taking software that is trusted by many users. When using 7 Sticky Notes, you can record your tasks into a customized or pre-defined list of software. With an eye-catching interface will help users feel more comfortable to use. The software is still being continuously developed and updated with many new features. You can download and install the software at:

Picture 6 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

3. Simple Sticky Notes software

Picture 7 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

True to its name Simple Sticky Notes - is a simple software that makes it easy to create additional notes on your Desktop. The software also possesses many basic functions for editing notes such as the option to change the font, change the size of the notes, change the background color, create an unlimited number of Notes . With Simple Sticky Notes everything will be became a lot simpler.

You can download the software at:

Picture 8 of Top 3 notes software on the best Windows Desktop

Above is the Top 3 Notes software on the Desktop that has synthesized. Hopefully, the above 3 software will assist you in remembering the work, helping you complete your work better. Thank you for watching the article!

Update 19 May 2020


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