The video shocked viewers with the zoom capabilities of the Huawei P30 Pro

Thanks to the 50x zoom feature (which can help users capture distant subjects) and the camera's impressive night-shooting capabilities, the Huawei P30 Pro is called the best camera smartphone by the Verge, and Tech2 claims that P30 Pro makes Samsung Galaxy S10 + look redundant.

Thanks to the 50x zoom feature (which can help users capture distant subjects) and the camera's impressive night-shooting capabilities, the Huawei P30 Pro is called the best camera smartphone by the Verge, and Tech2 claims that P30 Pro makes Samsung Galaxy S10 + look redundant.

However, it is these features of the P30 Pro that are controversial about privacy.

The University of Waterloo Professor Bessma Momani recently posted a video posted on Twitter that showed the terrible zoom capabilities of the P30 Pro and made the comment that this zoom capability of Huawe is a serious threat. important to privacy and can be taken advantage of to commit bad behaviors. Bessma Momaniy's video attracted 17.1 thousand comments, 7.5 million views and 34.7 thousand likes.

It is not possible to confirm whether the Huawei P30 Pro is used to record this video. However, most people who have watched this video are terrified of the terrible zoom capabilities of the P30 Pro.

Stan Schroder, page editor Mashable, also commented that the Huawei P30 Pro is likely to be used as a spy device. Schroder took a remote picture of his wife (albeit a bit grainy) with the P30 Pro and commented: 'Although I have full rights to take this picture, I feel a little weird when shooting. it ' .

Picture 1 of The video shocked viewers with the zoom capabilities of the Huawei P30 Pro

For more 50x zoom capabilities of the Huawei P30 Pro, please watch the video below.

The P30 Pro's 50x zoom capability is supported by AI, which is a combination of 5x optical zoom and AI-based digital magnification. Huawei has worked hard to give P30 Pro users a great photography experience but perhaps they have not yet considered the possibility that this feature may be used for bad purposes.

Update 24 May 2019


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