The iPhone is so sticky because of the water and this is the unique way this guy thought of 'remembering his friends'

When you own an iPhone, many people often fear their beloved comrades will one day have trouble. Accidental accidents such as falling, water, battery damage ... may crash at any time, causing your iPhone to be damaged and therefore tens of millions of dollars without playing.

When you own an iPhone, many people often fear their beloved comrades will one day have trouble. Accidental accidents such as falling, water, battery damage . may crash at any time, causing your iPhone to be damaged and therefore tens of millions of dollars without playing.

If you do not know, in many cases, the cost of repair is more expensive than buying a new one. At that time, there was no other way that we had to say goodbye to our mobile phone.

However, a guy recently had a unique idea to 'remember' the iPhone 5S attached to him so long that many people can't help but feel interesting.

On Reddit, this guy wrote, "The day before, my iPhone 5S practiced swimming, let it rest, and I thought of this and hung it in front of my desk."

Picture 1 of The iPhone is so sticky because of the water and this is the unique way this guy thought of 'remembering his friends'

Until the new generation iPhone 7 is equipped with waterproof technology so the iPhone 5S 'practice swimming' and leave forever is the obvious outcome.

In order to "remember" the phone once attached to him, this guy tried to dismantle every iPhone component and then arrange it in a wall mount kit. Need to have specialized equipment that can be done and not everyone knows to do.

Picture 2 of The iPhone is so sticky because of the water and this is the unique way this guy thought of 'remembering his friends'

A set of dedicated iPhone dismantling tools.

The article shared on this guy's Reddit forum received the attention of many people. Besides the praise of this guy's skillful hands, many people wonder why not put the iPhone 5S in a rice bag immediately, maybe they can be saved a little bit.

It is true that rice has high hygroscopic properties but in order to save the smartphone in general and iPhone in particular, the water is not as effective as expected. Because in addition to the dehumidifying effect, there is also a lot of small dust that easily flies into the voice speakers, inside the circuit.

See more:

  1. How to remove and repair iPhone contaminated with water and liquid
  2. What to do if the iPhone falls into the water?
  3. How many tricks have you missed using this iPhone?
Update 24 May 2019


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