Search results: web applications

web applications have become a common thing in today's business world. they allow businesses to streamline processes, simplify operations, and achieve their objectives much faster.

dawn smeaton, director of web application security at trend micro, said today's web-based applications are the new targets for hackers.

ssb refers to packages, which contain the essentials from a regular browser, redirecting to the url from a specific website or even better, from a web application.

with ibm's appscan application security tool, vietnamese businesses can self-assess information security situation on the website.

the browser also marks the end of community support with google gears - a powerful plugin that allows new features to be added to google chrome and allows us to access some

adobe dreamweaver is a powerful processing tool for web designers, users can program and develop web applications on multiple levels. if dreamweaver only stops at a level of

opera recently released the latest version of opera browser for windows and mac users. today's version of opera 21 promises to make the animation smoother and more beautiful,

amateur web developers can now look to mavo, an html-based platform that provides data management capabilities without the need for a back-end server.

georgia tech (georgia institute of technology) - one of the largest us education institutions, has announced the discovery of a serious data breach targeting its system, affecting