Search results: software updates

microsoft has recently removed compatibility blocking for some users who lost their mouse input on windows 10 2004.

if you're running the 2004 version of windows 10, or the may2020 update, you can shut down your system without installing updates.

locating the homepod updates and checking the software version you have installed is very simple, but this is not entirely intuitive because the update function is somewhat

the next major update of windows 10 released in 2020 - 20h1 - will be equipped with new features.

just like the body of a human, sometimes you just need to ignore a few signs of changing even the smallest for your computer, can cause serious consequences during use. here are 7

did you know that apple regularly updates the operating system in iphone phones, adding new features and tools. to make sure your iphone can work with the latest version, you need

recently, mozilla has released version 19 of the firefox browser, this new version integrates the long-awaited feature of the ability to read pdf files directly.

software update is a program installed on the computer to help update all the different software to the latest version.

software update is a 'headache' issue. speaking of headaches may seem a bit too much, but actually updating the software gives them no trouble in many situations.