• Sober worm returned

    Sober worm returned
    a few days ago, security experts noticed signs of the return of a deep-destructive worm - sober appeared more than 3 years ago.
  • Sober is back today?

    Sober is back today?
    security experts around the world predict that the sober virus will return today - january 6, 2006. but is the virus really triggering a new wave of virus on the global network as
  • Sober will return on January 5, 2006

    Sober will return on January 5, 2006
    verisign idefense has just released a prediction that the next sober virus attack will be on january 5, 2006. this is the 87th anniversary of the founding of the nazi party.
  • Sober is not scary! We are ready

    Sober is not scary!  We are ready
    security experts believe that network security administrators need not worry about the sober virus outbreak that was predicted and early january 2006, so be prepared to take
  • The algorithm of 'killer' Sober has been broken

    The algorithm of 'killer' Sober has been broken
    security firm f-secure corp has announced that it has successfully dismantled the algorithm used in the sober worm. this success promises to help the anti-virus program to
  • There are some new variants of Sober virus

    There are some new variants of Sober virus
    at the end of november 15, security companies warned of the emergence of some extremely dangerous variants of the sober virus that attack windows computers. fortunately, these
  • Sober is the most dangerous virus of 2005

    Sober is the most dangerous virus of 2005
    the powerful explosion of the new sober virus variant last week was assessed as the most scalable attack by email path of dangerous parts in 2005. miko hyppönen, senior researcher
  • Top 10 most dangerous viruses in November

    Top 10 most dangerous viruses in November
    security firm sophos has just released a report on the top 10 most dangerous viruses in october. accordingly, netsky has officially become the 'former champion' after nearly four
  • Sober attacks Hotmail and MSN

    Sober attacks Hotmail and MSN
    a new variant of the sober virus is known as win32/sober.z@mm running on servers of hotmail and msn by downloading incredible emails in bulk, delaying sending. and receive emails
  • Sober worm is hidden behind old class photos

    Sober worm is hidden behind old class photos
    sober.r variant is spreading rapidly via e-mail containing attachments, disguised as being sent from a classmate. however, if the file is opened, the victim will inadvertently