Sober is back today?

Security experts around the world predict that the Sober virus will return today - January 6, 2006. But is the virus really triggering a new wave of virus on the global network as it is already

Sober is back today? Picture 1Sober is back today? Picture 1 Security experts around the world predict that the Sober virus will return today - January 6, 2006. But is the virus really triggering a new wave of virus on the global network as it did at the end of last year? Can it be as powerful as at that time?

IDefense security experts after the study has decompiled the programming code of the latest Sober virus variant and discovered it on January 5, 2006 in it. Experts predict that will be the day to mark Sober's return. But maybe the day when Sober officially comes back will have to step back a bit?

The other day (January 4), Microsoft issued a security warning message (912920) to warn users about Sober being able to download and run malicious files from several websites. certain.

Sober will still use the method to trick users into opening a file or running a certain program attached to email messages. Once these malicious files are opened, the user's computer itself is infected with Sober but also makes Sober have a wider chance of spreading by sending himself a copy to the addresses. Email is available in the address book.

Sober variants have demonstrated the need for a layered security orientation, said Andy Greenawalt, founder and executive president of Perimeter Internetworking. ' Simply because this class security will help you solve a huge amount of different problems .'

Perimeter uses up to five independent virus scanning engines to search for autorun files or compressed files in electronic letters - files that are considered to be Sober's dispersal methods. Perimeter is also constantly monitoring gateways to detect IP addresses that have an Internet connection.

Experts from security firms such as F-Secure, MessageLabs and Websense all agree that if Sober returns as expected, it won't be able to cause as much damage as it did at the end. Last year by network administrators, the system as well as security companies had enough time to prepare.

Users are advised to use the latest updated anti-virus software to minimize the possibility of infection.

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