• What if PUBG was held in real life?

    What if PUBG was held in real life?
    many people often say that watching pubg tournaments is sometimes boring, but if it is held in real life, it is even more boring.
  • How to Draw Root Locus of a System

    How to Draw Root Locus of a System
    a system with feedback becomes stable when equations describing that system possess roots that follow certain patterns. otherwise, the system will become unstable. example of such
  • How to Play RMVB Files

    How to Play RMVB Files
    rmvb (realmedia variable bitrate) files are created for the media player produced by realmedia called realplayer. the easiest way to play rmvb files is to download and install the
  • Distinguish real and fake memory cards

    Distinguish real and fake memory cards
    many devices using memory cards came into being, bringing the memory card market more and more rich in brand and category, as well as the inevitable 'yellow brass'. this article