Search results: job applications

do you want to work at facebook, one of the most famous companies in the world today? how can you step through the door of the company and get attention?

here are 18 actual interview questions at apple's interview. please consult and observe carefully to see if you can give an answer!

instructions on how to prepare a complete application file to save you time, effort, not be embarrassed or run again and again.

here are 10 serious errors that potential candidates should avoid and a few guidelines for repair.

you are a capable person, have professional skills that are not inferior to anyone but you are still struggling on the path of finding a job and have not found a suitable job

an ambiguous career goal can make employers skip your cv.

before starting any interview, you should make sure you have prepared the necessary things to confidently score in the eyes of the employer. bring the following 18 things to have

as a graduate student, you get a lot of advice but be smart enough to realize that not all tips are useful.

always be careful with employers' psychological attacks.

promotions mean titles and salaries must change.