built-in python function

  • The reversed () function in Python

    The reversed () function in Python

    the reversed () function is one of the built-in functions in python, used to reverse the original string returning the iterator.
  • The slice () function in Python

    The slice () function in Python

    the slice () function in python returns a slice object that helps you determine how to cut an existing string.
  • The round () function in Python

    The round () function in Python

    the round () function in python rounds a given number, returning that number as a floating point number, with the specified number of digits after the comma.
  • The object () function in Python

    The object () function in Python

    the object () function in python returns an empty object. you cannot add new properties or methods to this object.
  • The next () function in Python

    The next () function in Python

    the next () function in python returns the next element in the iterator. you can add a default value to return if iterable is already the last element.
  • The pow () function in Python

    The pow () function in Python

    the pow () function built into python returns the value of x with the power of y (xy). if there is a third parameter, the function returns x to the power y, the module z.
  • The range () function in Python

    The range () function in Python

    the range () function built into python is used to create a sequence of numbers starting at 0 by default, incrementing 1 (by default) and ending at a specified number.
  • The map () function in Python

    The map () function in Python

    continuing with the topic of built-in functions in python, the article will introduce you to the map () function with syntax, usage as well as specific examples. invites you to read the track.
  • Built-in Python functions

    Built-in Python functions

    in the previous article, you learned that python has a basic function type, one is a built-in function, two are user-defined functions. today, we will learn about a list of python's built-in functions.