Search results: bug fixes

summary of the latest and most effective ways to fix windows 10 errors, this article will guide you in detail how to fix windows 10 errors to help your system work the best.

yesterday, apple released a new patch for its mac os x operating system. there were 13 errors corrected during this update.

adobe has released an update of of the shockwave player application, including 18 patches, 17 of which are classified as serious by adobe.

yesterday (24/12) microsoft confirmed that it is urgently looking for solutions to overcome the dangerous security error in sql server but refused to disclose the exact time to

linux supports commands to download files, diagnose network problems, manage network interfaces or view network statistics on the terminal. here are some common linux commands to

apple recently released a macbook air flash storage update 1.1 update that fixes ssds (64 gb and 128 gb versions) for macbook air 2012 machines.

the new version mainly fixes filevault security vulnerability, compatibility with 3rd party english keyboard.

microsoft on october 30 released a new patch for the skype application running on windows 8.1, with the fix of a sudden crash.

on 4/4 last, instagram application has just officially for android, but only for smartphones, and the tablet line has not yet supported.