The ping command sends ECHO_REQUEST packets to the specified address. The command is to check if the computer can connect to the Internet or a specific IP address. However, there are many systems that are configured to not respond to ping commands.
Unlike the ping command on Windows, the ping command on Linux will maintain sending packets until you finish it. It is possible to specify the maximum number of packets sent by typing the -c option.
ping –c 4
The tracepath command is similar to traceroute, but it does not require administrative rights. It is also installed by default on Ubuntu and tracerout is not. The tracepath command traces the route on the network to a specified destination and reports each vertical node ( hop ) along the way. If network problems occur, the tracepath command can indicate the location of the network error.
The mtr command is a combination of ping and tracepath in a single statement. mtr will send packets continuously and display ping times for each network node. The command also helps detect some network problems. In this case, it can be seen that the 6th button lost more than 20% of the total number of packages.
Press q or Ctrl-C to exit when you're done.
The host command will perform a DNS search. Enter the domain name when you want to see the attached IP address and vice versa, enter the IP address when you want to see the associated domain name.
The whois command will issue records on the whois server (whois record) of the website, so you can view information about the person or organization registered and own that website.
The ifplugstatus command helps check if the cable is plugged into the network interface. This command is not installed by default on Ubuntu . Use the following command to install it
sudo apt-get install ifplugd
Run the following commands to see the status of all interfaces or just view the status of a specific interface.
eth0 ifplugstatus
' detected ' link link means the cable has been plugged in and ' unplugged ' means the cable is not plugged in.
The ifconfig statement has many options for configuring, adjusting and detecting errors on system network interfaces. This is also a way to quickly see IP addresses and other network interface information. Type ifconfig to see the status of the currently active network interfaces including their names. You can also specify an interface name to view information on that interface only.
ifconfig eth0
Ifdown and ifup statements are like ifconfig up or ifconfig down . The two statements execute on or off the specified interface. This requires administrative privileges so you must use the sudo keyword on Ubuntu.
sudo ifdown eth0
sudo ifup eth0
The Linux screen will report an error when these commands are entered. It often uses NetworkManager to manage network interfaces. However, these statements will still work on servers without using NetworkManager.
If you really need to configure NetworkManager from the command line interface, use the nmcli command .
The dhclient command helps refresh the IP address on the machine by freeing the old IP address and receiving a new address from the DHCP server. This job requires administrative rights, so use the sudo keyword on Ubuntu. Run dhclient to get a new IP address or use the -r option to release the current IP address.
sudo dhclient –r
sudo dhclient
The netstat statement provides different statistics for the interface, including open sockets and routing tables.
Use the netstat -p statement to see programs that come with open sockets.
See detailed statistics for all ports with the netstat –s statement.
The above are common commands to manipulate the network that Linux supports users. Through these commands, users can easily check for incidents or network-related information.
You can refer to other basic Linux commands here: Basic Linux commands everyone needs to know