Software to locate other people's phone numbers

Software to locate other people's phone numbers. If you've ever seen foreign science and criminal movies, you've probably seen the agents search, locate the culprit via phone number and summarize them.

If you've ever seen foreign science and criminal movies, you've probably seen the agents search, locate the culprit via phone number and summarize them. With the development of science and technology, this feature is no longer far away and you can locate relatives easily.

Picture 1 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

1. Find My Friend (iOS)

Picture 2 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

On devices running iOS, such as iPhone and iPad, support the Find My Friend feature that allows you to locate your phone number from another iPhone or iPad device. This feature requires an iPhone with an iPhone 5 or higher model and iOS 7 or later.

For details on how to locate a phone number via Find My Friend, please refer to the following article:

2. Find my friend (Android)

Picture 3 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

On Android, we use the Find my friend software to locate phone numbers. Link to download the software here:

Step 1: Open the software and touch Next (1) to create an account. Then enter your phone number to register (2) .

Picture 4 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

Step 2: You create a new password (1) and enter the email address to recover for the account (2) . Then you name (3) and add your avatar (4) to make it easier for people to find and identify you.

Picture 5 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

Step 3: We get the referral code of the software and invite others by touching the New member in the main screen of the application. We will then have an 8 character code as shown below.

Picture 6 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

Step 4: Open the application on the device to be monitored and touch the 3 dashes (1) => Join (2) . Then enter the device invitation code obtained in Step 3 and enter (3) .

Picture 7 of Software to locate other people's phone numbers

To accurately locate other people's phone numbers, we need software + Internet connection and their access to be able to track them remotely. To locate a remote phone number that does not use the Internet, we must use the help of a switchboard and they only support positioning in an emergency or only authorized people are allowed to locate the phone number. . wish you a new day of work and study effectively!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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