Another very popular batch number conversion application is Transfer Phone Number. This application is similar to the Edit Prefix Number application just introduced above. Specific steps:
Step 1:
Download Transfer Phone Number to your phone by clicking on this link.
Step 2:
Next, open the app. Fill in the old numbers and replace them and click Find ( Search ) so that the application lists all the phone numbers currently in the phone book using this number.
How to transfer subscribers 11 numbers to 10 numbers in Android phone book Picture 20
Step 3:
When you find the first number, you continue to enter the corresponding new number and click Change . At this time, a message will appear asking if you are sure you want to change it? Click Confirm to agree to convert to 10 digits.
How to transfer subscribers 11 numbers to 10 numbers in Android phone book Picture 21
How to transfer subscribers 11 numbers to 10 numbers in Android phone book Picture 22
So it's done, it's simple, isn't it? Now go back to the main screen and go to Contacts to check if the old number is changed to the new number. In addition, for those of you who use iOS, the 11-digit number of steps to transfer 10 numbers in the iPhone phone book can be done easily.
Wish you a successful operation!
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