SilentVoice, technology that helps users talk but the surrounding doesn't hear anything

Microsoft is developing a special technology that enables users to speak without hearing what others around are called SilentVoice.

Microsoft is developing a special technology that enables users to speak without hearing what others around are called SilentVoice. It may sound strange but if this technology is integrated into devices like smartphones, it will bring many benefits and convenience to users, such as calling in public places and offices without disturbing any. anyone around.

In fact, SilentVoice is a special module designed like a microphone. This module will collect air emitted from the user's mouth when talking so there will be no sound. Meanwhile, it still recognizes and records everything the user has said. In addition, this module can also filter external noises to not affect the conversation.

To better understand how SilentVoice works, please watch the video below:

Currently, SilentVoice technology can identify very small whispers. Microsoft is still continuing its research to further refine this technology. In the future, SilentVoice can be used for applications in many different devices such as talk, voice control .

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Update 24 May 2019


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