Should you use a password generator to protect your online accounts?

Using the same password for different websites and accounts is not a good idea, but creating a unique password for each website can be quite a challenge.

Using the same password for different websites and accounts is not a good idea, but creating a unique password for each website can be quite a challenge. One way to solve this problem is to use a password generator.

What is a password generator?

Password generator generates random and complex passwords based on length and account type. Some may also store passwords in a vault for easy retrieval. They generate passwords that include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters, giving you strong passwords in a very short time. Additionally, they can be configured to provide pronounceable passwords that are easier to recognize and harder to forget.

You should note that password generators do not have a built-in password store when installed. Access codes are randomly generated using complex algorithms and random character strings, making passwords very difficult to crack.

Why should you use a password generator?

Now, you know what a password generator does. You may need to clarify whether the password generator is right for your needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing to use a password generator

1. Password generator generates complex passwords

The more complex the password, the harder it is to crack. Cracking a password generated by a password generator is nearly impossible. They create fairly complex passwords and are more resilient to Brute Force attacks.

2. Easily customize the password generator

Many websites have specifications for the type of password you should create. Some want you to include special characters or long passwords, while others prefer a 7-character alphanumeric code.

Password generators can help you comply with various password specifications. You just need to enter those requirements and parameters and wait for the tool to carry out your wishes.

3. You can use a password generator on some devices

One good thing about password generators is that you can use them on all your devices. You simply download and log into password generator apps on all your devices and you can use them on the go.

4. Password generator saves time

Password generator saves the time you would spend creating a strong password. In seconds, you can create a complex password. All you have to do is write it down in a safe place, like a password manager.

Why shouldn't you use a password generator?

Picture 1 of Should you use a password generator to protect your online accounts?

Password generators are great, but they're not perfect. Here are some disadvantages:

1. Passwords are harder to remember

Strong and complex passwords improve your security, but they can be difficult to remember.

If you easily forget details or have a lot on your mind, remembering generated passwords can be an additional burden. You may want to write down your generated passwords in a dedicated notepad or store them offline on your computer (in a location that is not easily accessible).

2. The generated password may be difficult to enter

In contrast to generating passwords that meet various specifications, you may not be able to use generated passwords on some websites if they include certain characters or combinations of characters that they do not accept. receive.

3. You may be too dependent on password generators

Using easy password generators can lead you to rely too much on them. It's much easier to guess a password you created yourself than a randomly generated password. But your experience can get worse if your password database is corrupted or you need to urgently log in to your account on an external device while the password generator is still on the device. being at home.

4. There are security concerns

Threat actors can design malware that hides in the shadow of a functioning password generator. The password is generated, stored, and sent remotely to the threat actor, who can then use it to access your account.

Top password generators to consider

These services help generate passwords on demand, each with its own unique features. Many password managers have a password generation feature, and such built-in tools are more popular than apps dedicated solely to password generation.

1. Dashlane
Picture 2 of Should you use a password generator to protect your online accounts?

With Dashlane, you can specify the type of password you want. It is also equipped with a password manager where you can keep your login information. The app will notify you when it is a weak password, a green background indicates a strong password.

The only downside to using this app is that you can only specify very few rules.

2. NordPass

Picture 3 of Should you use a password generator to protect your online accounts?

The base version of the app is completely free, and NordPass also allows you to create passwords up to 60 characters long. It also has a checkbox that helps avoid confusion between similar characters like "1" and "l."

It comes with the added advantage of helping you save your passwords instantly.

3. Bitwarden

Picture 4 of Should you use a password generator to protect your online accounts?

Bitwarden is arguably one of the best password tools for online security you can use, at just $10/year for the premium version.

It comes with all the benefits of a password generator and manager, helping you create, store and autofill your passwords. Another benefit Bitwarden offers is sharing login details with family and friends.

Update 17 October 2023


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