Self-security before Vietnamese virus outbreak

Since the great Vietnamese virus epidemic affected hundreds of thousands of computers in our country, the security and security issues of computer systems have become more important than ever.

Since the great Vietnamese virus epidemic affected hundreds of thousands of computers in our country, the security and security issues of computer systems have become more important than ever.

While waiting for the positive action from the manufacturers, users cannot stand by their arms and wait. From now on, proceed to enhance your computer's security, namely Windows XP, by adjusting the settings available in the system.

The Registry (StartRunRegedit) is the place to store all Windows settings. It dominates everything from how it works to the security of the system. Therefore, if you know how to edit the Registry, the security of the system will be greatly enhanced. However, before making changes to the Registry settings, you should back up the current Registry because just one wrong change can adversely affect the entire system. For Windows XP, you should edit the Registry as follows:

Control the application for each user

Picture 1 of Self-security before Vietnamese virus outbreak
If you have to share your computer with other users, you can limit the right to use applications or data for each user. This is a way to ensure your sensitive personal data and applications are not used by curious people. You do the following: in the Registry, find the Microsoft WindowsCurrent VersionPoliciesExplorer HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARE branch.

In the right pane, you create a new DWORD value, name it RestrictRun and enter the value of 1 in the Value Data frame. Next, create a new key (right mouse NewKey) and also name it RestrictRun. In this new key, you create new String values ​​corresponding to the applications that you allow other users to use. You name these new values ​​as consecutive sequence numbers starting from 1.

In the Value Data box of each value, enter the executable file name (* .exe format) of the application that you allow the user to use. Note not to apply it to yourself, because you probably won't be able to use your required applications and can't change the Registry.

Turn off the ability to remember passwords when connecting dial-up networks

By default, this is a convenient way of Windows XP to help users do not need to re-enter the password when making a dial-up connection. But this also creates a huge security hole in Windows XP when any other user does the same without entering a password.

To ensure safety, please turn off this auto-remember feature as follows: access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRas ManParameters branch. If there is no DisableSavePassword value in the right pane, create a new DWORD value and name it DisableSavePassword. Next, enter the data value for it to be 1 so that the off command is valid.

Do not give access to special drives

You can prevent users from viewing and accessing drives that contain your own personal, sensitive files or folders. This is a great way to protect important data that you don't want anyone to touch. Please visit the HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE branch of Microsoft WindowsCurrent Version PoliciesExplorer .

In the right pane, create a new DWORD value and name it NoViewOnDrive. Next, double click the left mouse button to enter data for it. In the data input dialog, you select the type of data to enter as Decimal rather than Hexadecimal as usual. Then, you enter data into the Value Data box which is the natural numbers that represent the drives (A: 1, B: 2, C: 4, D: 8, E: 16, F: 32, G: 64 , H: 128, I: 256, J: 512 .).

Delete the memory page file content every time the computer is turned off

The page memory file in Windows XP contains the information recorded from the system memory to the hard disk. If it contains sensitive or important data about you, others can access it. To ensure the best security, please delete the contents of this file every time you turn off your computer (this will increase the shutdown time of the system).

In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSessionManager Memory Management branch, if there is no ClearPageFileAtShutdown value then create a new DWORD value, name it ClearPageFileAtShutdown and enter the data as 1.

Do not give access to system properties

Using system properties in Control Panel (or right-clicking My Computer) allows the user to change the computer name, create new hardware statuses, manage devices, and assign parameters. implementation numbers such as virtual memory, effects . You hide the system properties by: In the HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent Version PoliciesExplorer branch, create a new DWORD value, name it NoPropertiesMyComputer and enter the data value for it as 1 .


Update 26 May 2019


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