Rihanna 'Viruses' spread 'dizzy' on Facebook

In recent days, many Facebook users have been trapped Rihanna singer 'virus' through links to share this singer on her personal page.

In recent days, many Facebook users have been trapped Rihanna singer "virus" through links to share this singer on personal page.

The path titled " SICK - I hate Rihanna after watching this video " or " The Rihanna UN-fan club! Join if you have Rihanna after seeing her new video " has caused curiosity for many users. However, when clicking on the link, there is no video about this singer, but immediately the user will be infected with the virus and continue to send a series of similar content on the personal page of all those who have in the friends list.

Picture 1 of Rihanna 'Viruses' spread 'dizzy' on Facebook

Previously, in mid-May 2011, there were many messages on the community of Facebook users in Vietnam appearing spam related to activating the Dislike button of the largest social network in the world. hey now.

According to experts in the security field, to avoid being infected with viruses on social networks, users should limit the provision of personal information on the Internet, be careful with links, updates and information. unusual 'from his friends on social networks. At the same time, users need to keep up to date with software such as Adobe PDF Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Java, update Windows with patches.

However, Mr. Vu Ngoc Son, Director of BKAV Research Department, said that the fake video about singer Rihanna is not actually a virus but a form of phishing users to spam via Facebook, because, all operations These are all done by the user to activate the spam script.

In the short term, users should temporarily turn off the ' allow others to share on their Wall ' mode to avoid the virus spreading through the steps: First, the user selects Privacy Settings (Setting up their own rights). ), click Edit Settings and navigate to the section How you connect . Then, in the " Who can post on your wall? " Section (Who can post information to your Wall?), The user simply selects Only Me .

Update 26 May 2019


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