Operation Operation Faceblock, stop using Facebook within 24 hours will take place on April 11

Operation Faceblock - campaign to stop using Facebook initiated by friends from Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, England and the United States will take place on 11 April.

Operation Faceblock - campaign to stop using Facebook initiated by friends from Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, England and the United States will take place on 11 April. That same day, Mark Zuckerberg - co-founder and CEO of Facebook will testify before Congress on data security.

The Faceblock event that took place on April 11 will boycott both Facebook and related applications, including: Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. The purpose of this action is to oppose the unauthorized use of the company's 87 million Facebook user data named Cambridge Analytica.

Picture 1 of Operation Operation Faceblock, stop using Facebook within 24 hours will take place on April 11

The use of personal data without the owner's consent is a violation of a content signed by Facebook with the US Trade Commission - FTC (Federal Trade Commission) in 2011.

Operation Faceblock spokesperson Laura Ullman said this 24-hour boycott aimed at sending social networks a powerful privacy message of user data. In addition, participants wrote a letter to Zuckerberg and the US government to demand responsibility for managing the platform and securing proprietary data protection and management companies.

If you want to participate in a 'boycott' campaign, visit: www.facebookblackout.org.

See more:

  1. Facebook admits to 'scan' all user messages on the Messenger application
  2. Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads
  3. Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion
  4. Vietnam reached the top 10 countries with the most leaked Facebook information in the world
Update 24 May 2019


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