Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data

The US Federal has formally prosecuted criminal charges of Facebook, mainly related to the purchase and sale of user data with many other technology partners such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon ...

The US Federal has formally prosecuted criminal charges of Facebook, mainly related to the purchase and sale of user data with many other technology partners such as Apple, Microsoft, Amazon .

According to the New York Times, federal prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation on Facebook's data-sharing agreement for smart phone and tablet device manufacturers that had been exposed a year ago. makes users around the world shocked and angry.

Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data Picture 1Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data Picture 1

The allegation said that Facebook has allowed 150 brands including Apple, Amazon and Microsoft to access friends lists, contact information, private messages . and some other personal data of users. Their permission has not yet been obtained.

Ahead of the accusation, a Facebook spokesman said the company is working actively with investigating agencies to clarify all questions.

Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data Picture 2Facebook is officially under criminal investigation for allegedly illegally selling data Picture 2
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had to hear before the US Congress after a scandal in March.

The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the fraud department of the Ministry of Justice and other agencies, is reviewing and investigating Facebook. No information about a trial will be opened yet.

Facebook's scandal began in March last year, associated with the name Cambridge Analytica - the company that started the first and biggest Facebook scandal, when more than 50 million Facebook users were exposed. After that, the largest social network on the planet is continuously involved in a series of other scandals.

Criminally investigated Facebook information comes at the same time that this social network has a problem that cannot be accessed globally. Many Facebook and Instagram users around the world have responded that they cannot log in to their accounts, lucky accounts that are logged in can make some other mistakes.

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