11 simple solutions to eliminate bloating bloating
Abdominal bloating, belching and defecation are a natural symptom of the gastrointestinal tract, which is often caused by ingested air or decomposed food during digestion. Although deflated is considered a taboo in society, this is a completely normal action that every healthy person will encounter every day.
In fact, there are many causes of bloating ; simply due to the amount of solid food, liquid or excess gas in the digestive system or due to food sensitivity. Your abdomen will feel uncomfortable after eating due to excess gas or muscle dysfunction of the digestive system that increases pressure and discomfort, sometimes making the stomach look larger than usual. You can follow 11 effective solutions to reduce or eliminate flatulence in this article to avoid gas accumulation and to experience bloating abdominal pain.
1. Change eating habits
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Most flatulence is caused by swallowing too much air when eating food, drinking alcohol, chewing hard candy, chewing gum and smoking cigarettes. If you regularly do these things, you should minimize them for your own benefit.
2. Make a list of used foods
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In fact, some foods, such as beans, can make you bloated. However, our bodies may be particularly sensitive to certain foods. List all the foods you consume every day for a week. In addition, you should also monitor the number of deflations every day. This helps quickly identify the correlation between eating habits and the number of times you fart in the day.
3. Take medicine
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You can take over-the-counter medications that contain simethicone ( relieve pain symptoms due to excessive gas in the stomach and intestines ), helping to eliminate the boil. In addition, you can find medications that contain simethicone in many forms, including pills, chew and liquid. In addition, you can also look for other anti-flatulence medications available at regional pharmacies.
4. Using drugs made from activated carbon
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You can also find medicine to help reduce the amount of gas that many foods produce. In particular, activated carbon will help reduce the odor of gas associated with flatulence.
5. Practice light exercises
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When you feel bloated, practice gentle exercise or do any physical movement that will help you speed up digestion and prevent gas accumulation in the intestines (bloating). . Walking for 10 minutes immediately after each meal can be quite helpful.
6. Limit food intake to flatulence
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To minimize farting and bloating, you can limit eating foods that produce a lot of gas. There is no need to stop using them completely, just to limit their consumption.
- Baked beans, cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, kale, brussels and white broccoli, carbonated drinks, chewing gum ( especially if it contains sorbitol ), apples, bananas, peaches, Hard candy and potatoes all cause bloating.
- Avoid eating prepared foods because your body cannot fully digest the chemicals used to process these foods and will often lead to flatulence.
- Excessive gas accumulation in the abdomen may also be due to the ability to absorb poor food, such as lactose intolerance ( a compound produced in the small intestine that helps break down lactose into two different sugars). ).
7. Chew food well and eat slowly
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When you eat too quickly, you will swallow more air into your abdomen causing flatulence. Therefore, eating slowly will help you relax and easily digest food.
8. Drink water continuously throughout the day
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Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day will prevent bloating and constipation, but taking a full sip of water can build up air in your abdomen and cause more bloating. Focus on taking small sips of water throughout the meal and throughout the day.
9. Drink tea
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There are many types of tea that are effective in reducing and eliminating gas accumulation. You can drink mint tea, fresh ginger tea, or lemon tea once a day and look forward to the results. In addition, you can use dry or fresh ingredients as they also produce similar results.
10. Chew some nuts
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Star anise and caraway seeds help air move through the digestive tract. If you can tolerate their taste, chew a handful of nuts during the day and follow the results.
11. Reduce anxiety and stress
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When you feel anxious or stressed, your breathing increases and causes your body to swallow more air into your abdomen. Practice deep breathing when you worry to minimize bloating.
Refer to some more articles:
- Eating lots of cabbage is probably not as good as we usually think
- How to heal wounds quickly and effectively with honey
- 8 signs of abnormal eye warning about your health
Having fun!
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