N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

N function: The function returns the numeric value converted from any value. Syntax: N (value)

The following article introduces you to the N - 1 function among the functions in the group of information functions that are very popular in Excel.

Picture 1 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

Description: The function returns a numeric value converted from any value.

Syntax: N (value)


- value: The value to convert, is a mandatory parameter including the convertible values ​​as follows:

+ value is a number -> the function returns that number.

+ value is 1 day with the format available in Excel -> function returns the serial number of that day.

+ value = True -> function returns number 1.

+ value = False -> the function returns the number 0.

+ value is an error value like # DIV / 0, #VALUE!, . -> the function returns the error value.

+ value outside the above values ​​-> function returns the number 0.


- The use of this function should be restricted in formulas because Excel automatically converts as needed.

For example:

Convert the following values ​​to numbers with the data described in the table below:

Picture 2 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

- In the cell to calculate enter the formula : = N (C6)

Picture 3 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

- Press Enter -> return value is:

Picture 4 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

- Similarly copying the formula for the remaining values ​​results:

Picture 5 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

- Here the logical value is True -> the function returns the value 1.

- Where value is a text value or a blank value -> the function returns the value 0:

Picture 6 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

- Where value is the #NUM! Error value -> The function returns an error value corresponding to the value in the value:

Picture 7 of N function - The function returns the numeric value converted from any value other than the error value in Excel

Above are instructions and some specific examples when using the N function in Excel.

Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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