Microsoft will only release one feature update per year for Windows 10

According to the plan that Microsoft announced, Windows 10 will continue to be fully supported until October 2025. This is a reasonable decision because not all devices are eligible to upgrade to Windows 11.

especially the PC rigs in organizations and businesses, which are very 'causal' to upgrade the operating system.

However, also because Windows 11 has officially launched, Microsoft's support plan for Windows 10 will also have noticeable changes.

Picture 1 of Microsoft will only release one feature update per year for Windows 10

Specifically, instead of continuing to maintain the policy of releasing 2 major feature updates annually (in the spring and fall), Microsoft will only release a single major feature update for Windows 10 every 12 months. month. For example, with the November 2021 Update officially released, the next important feature update for Windows 10 is expected to be released in the fall of 2022. Talking about this, Microsoft said. :

'We will be shifting the release route of new updates for Windows 10 to match the Windows 11 release rhythm, especially for major annual feature updates. As such, the next Windows 10 feature update is expected to be released in the second half of 2022. After that, we will continue to support at least one version of Windows 10 through October 14, 2025' .

As for the November 2021 Update, the release of this major update is still happening in phases. So not everyone has experienced at the present time. In addition, Microsoft is also planning to roll out the update in phases to Windows 10 PC systems worldwide.

Update 19 November 2021


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