Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Noise is one of the most annoying things that happen when we take photos. Noise often occurs when you take photos in low light conditions or when the sensitivity setting (ISO) setting is too high. In the following article, teaches you how to remove noise in Photoshop and bring a better quality picture.

Noise is one of the most annoying things that happen when we take photos. Noise often occurs when you take photos in low light conditions or when the sensitivity setting (ISO) setting is too high.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

In the following article, teaches you how to remove noise in Photoshop and bring a better quality picture. Please read along.

1. Remove noise in Photoshop manually

Step 1: You open the image to remove noise in Photoshop. Next you go to menu Image => Mode => Lab Color to convert the image system to Lab Color .

Picture 2 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 2: If you do not have the Channels tool , go to Window => Channels to turn it on.

Picture 3 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 3: Click the Channels tool and click Lightness .

Picture 4 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 4: Go to menu Filter => Noise => Despeckle to smooth the image.

Picture 5 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 5: You continue to menu Filter => Noise => Reduce Noise .

Picture 6 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

And then you set the image levels so that the noise decreases and the picture looks smoother. After setup is complete you click OK to complete.

Picture 7 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 6: Go to menu Filter => Blur => Gaussian Blur .

Picture 8 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Next, set the Radius to 0.5 - 1 Pixels to make the image smoother. This feature has the main effect of blurring the image, so setting the Radius too high will cause the image to be blurred and blurred.

Picture 9 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 7: So we have finished photo editing. You go to menu Image => Mode => RGB Color to convert the color system to RGB is done.

Picture 10 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Once completed you can compare with the original photo. Although it doesn't eliminate noise completely, the image looks sharper and much less noise. In the image below, the original image is on the left and the edited image is on the right.

Picture 11 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

2. Remove noise in Photoshop with the Noiseware plugin

Step 1: Visit the homepage of and download the Noiseware plugin .

Next, click on the word Download , enter your email address and download the Noiseware file from the link sent to your email address.

Picture 12 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 2: You proceed to install the software. At the first setup step, click Next to continue.

Picture 13 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 3: Choose the correct version of Photoshop installed in your computer (1) and click Install (2) to install the plug-in.

Picture 14 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Then the installation will take place and after the Completing step is completed. Click Finish to complete.

Picture 15 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 4: Start using Noiseware in Photoshop.

Picture 16 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

You open the image to remove noise in Photoshop. Next, go to menu Filter (1) => Imagenomic (2) => Noiseware . (3) .

Picture 17 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 5: Click Accept to agree with the terms.

Picture 18 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Noiseware will then notify you of the current version information as well as the trial period. If you want to use the license, please click Purchase License to buy the key and Install License (1) to enter the license key. If there is no need, then click OK (2) to skip.

Picture 19 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Step 6: Then, the Noiseware interface will appear, select Preset (1) as Default (2) to plug-in to automatically remove noise. If you do not want to edit more then click OK (3) to complete.

Picture 20 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

And finally we have a noise-canceling photo that looks a lot more appealing than the original. Save the image and exit Photoshop.

Picture 21 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Below is an image of the comparison before and after the image is noise removed. However, the image after noise reduction reduces noise particles but the image will be slightly blurry.

Picture 22 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

Before removing noise with Noiseware

Picture 23 of Instructions on how to remove Noise in Photoshop

After removing noise with Noiseware

With the guide of noise reduction in the article, we can make the image more beautiful and more attractive than before. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article, please ask questions for in the comment section below!

Update 19 May 2020


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