Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube. LiveStream is no stranger to young people today. In addition to LiveStream to play games, you can also LiveStream to share knowledge, tips to share to everyone. Today's Posts, ThuThuatPha

LiveStream is no stranger to young people today. In addition to LiveStream to play games, you can also LiveStream to share knowledge, tips to share to everyone. Today's article, would like to send you the Live Stream instructions on Youtube.

Picture 1 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Instruction for Live Stream on Youtube by phone

Currently, Youtube has supported users to stream livestream on their phone easily and conveniently.

Step 1 : Open the Youtube app on your phone. Log in to your Google account. Then click the camera icon.

Picture 2 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 2 : Click on Live Broadcast .

Picture 3 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 3 : Next an option appears. You can add a title for the Video, choose a video playback mode or add a location . Then you click Next

Picture 4 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 4 : The interface when you are LiveStream on Youtube with your phone already.

Picture 5 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 5 : To turn off the Live Stream, click the X button in the right corner of the screen

Picture 6 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Picture 7 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

So finished the LiveStream on Youtube by phone.

Guide Live Stream on Youtube by computer

Step 1: To stream Livestream on Youtube from your computer, you need to download additional Livestream support software, Open Broadcaster Software, abbreviated to OBS. You download OBS software at:

Step 2 : After the OBS software installation has been completed.

At the interface of the software, in Sources, click the plus sign '+' (1)

Then there will be some source options for you such as Browser (Web browser) Display Capture (screen display) Image (image display) Game Capture (showing a specific game) Window Capture (showing a specific window) . You can customize it according to your intended use

Here I will Live Stream the whole screen so I choose Display Capture . (2)

Picture 8 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 3 : After selecting the source, a new window will appear, you can rename the source to make it easier to remember. For example, I changed the name to ' Screen Tab '. Then you click OK

Picture 9 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 4 : A preview window appears, you will see your screen has been returned. Click OK to return to the main interface screen.

Picture 10 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

So you have installed a Live Stream source.


You can add multiple sources to Live Stream at the same time.

Like gamers when they LiveStream, they can install more sources at the same time to display the game screen ( Game Capture ), display the Webcam ( Video Capture Device ), and display the text running on the screen ( Text ) .

Step 5 : Once you've installed all the sources you want to stream. Outside the main interface, click Settings in the lower right corner of the screen.

Picture 11 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 6 : At the Settings window :

(1) Go to the Stream tab.

(2) In the Service section, select YouTube / Youtube Gaming sources.

Picture 12 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

To get the Stream key , you need on the Youtube channel that you are planning to stream.

Step 7 : You log into your Youtube account.

Then outside the YouTube interface, you click on the camera icon (1), select Live (2).

Picture 13 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 8 : Click on Stream streaming encoder .

Picture 14 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 9 : There will appear basic settings panel for video submission. At the bottom at Setting Up Encoder . You should see the ' Name / stream key ' - that is the Stream key.

Click Show and Copy / Copy that line.

Note: Don't lock that stream, because if someone knows they can live stream on your Youtube channel.

Picture 15 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 10 : Once you have the stream lock on Youtube, paste it on the Stream key of the Settings section in OBS and click OK .

Picture 16 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 11 : Then at the interface of OBS software, click Start Streaming

So your Youtube channel is live.

Picture 17 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Additionally you can install more Livestream titles to let people know more about your Livestream session.

Picture 18 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

Step 12 : When you want to finish the streaming, you Stop Streaming at the OBS software interface .

Picture 19 of Instructions for Live Stream on Youtube

So introduced to you two ways to Live Stream - Broadcast live on Youtube. Hope you have fun Stream sessions with lots of laughter. Good luck. Thank you for watching!

Update 18 May 2020


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