How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

Customizing Instagram notifications can significantly improve your mobile experience. It can also help you avoid spending too much time in the app.

Here's how to customize Instagram notifications to be less annoying!

1. Turn off all Reel suggestions

Reels are one of Instagram's biggest time-sucks. You're putting yourself at a huge disadvantage if you let the app send you suggestions via push notifications, which is why it's a good idea to turn them off.

To turn off Reel suggestions, go to Settings > Notifications > Live and reels . Each area should be turned off, but if you just want to turn off Reels suggestions, turn off Reels suggested for you and Recently uploaded reels .

Picture 1 of How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

2. Turn on Quiet Mode

A big reason why many people delete their Instagram accounts is because they feel like they don't have as much control over their notifications. However, you can use Quiet Mode instead of deleting your account.

When Quiet Mode is enabled, Instagram won't send notifications to your device. At the end of each Quiet Mode session, you'll see a summary of any new interactions you've had in the app. You can only leave Quiet Mode on for up to 12 hours a day, but it's better than nothing.

Picture 2 of How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

3. Limit message and comment notifications

A large percentage of comments received on Instagram are spam. Additionally, a significant percentage of them are from users trying an outdated strategy: Leaving meaningless comments to improve visibility or attract attention. Both are annoying, so people want to limit the comment notifications they see.

Likewise, many people only really want to receive messages from people they follow. They don't want to see the "Random user wants to message you" notification pop up on their device.

Limiting message and comment notifications is the easiest way to control both. Turn off all message request notifications, and for comments, set From profiles I follow . You'll also want to turn off Comment daily digest and Story Comments . All of this information is accessible through Posts, stories, and comments .

Picture 3 of How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

Turn off daily comment summaries and adjust other Instagram settings
You can also control who can comment on your Instagram posts if you want to take it a step further.

4. Turn off all notifications sent by Instagram

Almost every notification Instagram sends is pointless and you're wasting your time if you turn them on. Instagram typically sends notifications about ads, product announcements, trending locations, etc. The only notifications worth turning on are:

  1. Request support.
  2. Ads (if you run a business account and place ads on Instagram).

You can access these categories in the From Instagram section of the Notifications tab . You can always experiment to see if there are any notifications you want to enable, but on a personal level, most of them are pointless.

Picture 4 of How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

5. Turn off account suggestions

Many people like to see account suggestions within the Instagram app, but on their own. They don't like getting notifications because they won't just go into the app and follow an account.

You can turn this notification off by going to Following and followers > Account suggestions > Off . You can also remove Instagram follow suggestions from your feed, but that's not a big deal.

Picture 5 of How to Customize Instagram Notifications to Be Less Annoying

Update 11 September 2024


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