How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10

Creating your own keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 is not too complicated. Just right-click on anything you want to create a shortcut for it, then click Properties, and then enter the new command in the box.

Creating your own keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 is not too complicated. Just right-click on anything you want to create a shortcut for it, then click Properties, and then enter the new command in the box.

But what if the user wants to change the default shortcuts that Windows 10 has created, such as using Win + S to open your own Search tool instead of just pressing the Windows key? Everything seemed a bit more complicated at the time, but it was still fully feasible.

Learn about AutoHotkey

Unfortunately there is no way to change the default shortcuts in Windows. After so many years, Microsoft has not yet provided a bit of that simple flexibility, perhaps fearing that users will use shortcuts to access non-Microsoft applications.

Instead, users will have to create scripts for every shortcut they want to replace. Don't worry, this process is really easy thanks to a great tool called AutoHotkey. This is a scripting tool that can be used for all creative purposes, but today the article will only look specifically at how users can use it to change their default shortcuts. Windows.

How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10 with AutoHotkey

First, download AutoHotKey. After doing that, on the Windows desktop, right-click an empty space, then select 'New > Auto Hotkey script' , and give it a memorable name with a suffix ahk. (The example in today's article named the script 'Search.ahk', because the Windows Search shortcut will be replaced with a shortcut to the superior search engine, Search Everything).

Picture 1 of How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10

Next, readers will become familiar with the basics of AutoHotkey syntax to change Windows shortcuts. Most Windows shortcuts use the following buttons:

AutoHotkey Syntax Representation ^ Ctrl key! Alt key + Shift key # Keys Win Up, Down, Left, Right Arrow keys run, Make hotkey open file, folder or program on PC send, Redirect hotkey to selected key combination

If you want to enter a letter, press the corresponding buttons on the keyboard. Buttons like Esc and Del and other letters can also be entered directly into the script. You can find a list of AutoHotkey syntax at this website:

So if you want to redirect the default Windows Search shortcut Win + S to Search Everywhere, enter the following command:

 #s::run, "C:Program FilesEverythingEverything.exe" 

Picture 2 of How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10

:: is the one that separates the hotkey from the action the user wants it to take. The preceding paragraph :: is the hotkey to enter ( Win + S in this case) and the following 'run' is the command to open the Search Everything application.

With all shortcut replacement on the table, users should add the #NoTrayIcon second line to the script. This will prevent the AutoHotkey icon from appearing, but make sure the entire process is in the background.

Picture 3 of How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10

When the script is complete, close and save it, then double-click the script to run and check the keyboard shortcut to see if everything is right.

If everything is okay, move the .ahk script to the system startup folder in File Explorer (C: ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartUp). Do the same for all keyboard shortcuts that need replacing. In this way, all shortcuts will take effect as soon as the user starts the PC.

Picture 4 of How to change the default shortcut in Windows 10

It will take a little bit of work, but it will certainly work, and the important thing is, now, users have learned the basics of AutoHotkey tool - an extremely handy tool, capable of running. The scenarios are much more complicated than what the article mentions here.

Good luck!

See more:

  1. Create shortcuts with AutoHotkey
  2. How to create shortcuts to open applications on Windows 10
  3. 17 shortcuts contain Shift useful in Windows
Update 26 May 2019


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