'Deadly' weakness of Lumia 1020

The Guardian newspaper of England said that Nokia was too absorbed in focusing on the imaging technology in Lumia 1020, but forgot a successful product must be a combination of many factors. In particular, the absence of popular applications such as Instagram, Vine or Snapchat can be considered deadly weakness.

The Guardian newspaper of England said that Nokia was too absorbed in focusing on the imaging technology in Lumia 1020, but forgot a successful product must be a combination of many factors. In particular, the absence of popular applications such as Instagram, Vine or Snapchat can be considered deadly weakness.

Picture 1 of 'Deadly' weakness of Lumia 1020

It would be unfair for Nokia to not record the impressive quality of Lumia 1020 , especially when the photos were printed with large format. The details are crisp, full and impressively reproduced, as well as the colors reflected honestly and brightly. Enjoying these photos online cannot judge the capabilities of the 41MP sensor, Guardian said.

But the point of this paper is that if the 1020 is released as a standalone digital camera and dismisses all elements of smartphones, surely, this will be a blockbuster product. The market for pocket cameras is falling vertically because no one wants to buy.

They also use digital imaging technology - like smartphones, take photos of temporary stabilization like smartphones, but are unable to send photos via mail or share quickly on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine or Snapchat.

Meanwhile, the camera on the phone is increasingly improving and achieving " good enough" quality , like MP3 audio is widely accepted by users to listen to music.

Therefore, designing Lumia 1020 as a preeminent digital camera with "tail" is a smartphone that has caused Nokia to lose quite a lot of potential customers. The market of Lumia 1020 is now narrowed significantly into semi-professional photographers who want to take good pictures and need the connectivity of smartphones. For the majority of ordinary users who just want to take photos and upload to social networks, 1020 is not a perfect choice.

The first reason to call is the cost. Lumia 1020 costs $ 299 for the 32GB version with a 2-year service contract in the US. By comparison, the 16GB iPhone 5 is being sold for only $ 199.

Secondly, this machine uses Windows Phone operating system, which does not yet have the optimal application for Vine, Instagram or Snapchat. CEO Stephen Elop said that there are third-party applications that will help users post photos to Instagram, but that's like a detour.

Secondly, are users willing to pay a lot of money to own a powerful digital camera? The same question but with a top smartphone? The answer to both seems to be "No ", especially when the iPhone or Samsung Galaxy S4 are showing signs of slowing down in consumption.

Picture 2 of 'Deadly' weakness of Lumia 1020

The large format photos printed from Lumia 1020 are not strong enough to implement the mission to restore sales for Nokia.

Come here, I wonder what is the purpose of Lumia 1020? The Guardian said that to demonstrate the top features that later, Nokia could somehow bring down the cheaper models to attract users. This is also the tactic that Samsung is applying to the Galaxy S family when the flagship smartphone is like a guide for the cheaper versions to put up on the shelf.

Differentiating the quality of photos taken on the 5-inch screen of a phone or even on a laptop screen is difficult for the naked eye. Therefore, Nokia's biggest hope is that screen technologies will evolve quickly so that this difference soon becomes apparent. Meanwhile, the Lumia 520 will still be Nokia's flagship consumer smartphone, not the 920 or 1020.

Update 24 May 2019


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