An approach known as passive T-cell therapy involves removing immune cells from the body and reinforcing their weapons to fight cancer that receives the attention of the medical

Scientists discovered a large population of bats, carrying many viruses that could be spread to existing humans in Central and South America. Can they cause the next pandemic for

A new study shows that obese patients are at risk of infection right after coronary intervention surgery.

Two scientists have identified two proteins that can help diagnose autism disorder (ASD), especially in boys, with an accuracy of up to 82%.

A new study shows that mothers who drink a lot of sugar during pregnancy may increase their risk of allergies and asthma allergies.

In low-income countries, mortality from septicemia / sepsis - a strong reaction to infections that cause tissue damage, organ failure and death - can exceed 60% and 400,000 people

A recent study by researchers at Linkoping University in Sweden showed that lutein, a nutrient found in high-quality fruits and vegetables, can inhibit inflammation.

A new study shows that mineral water can be a good source of calcium and can be an alternative to dairy products.

A new study has discovered that toxins produced by fungi can easily cause health problems for you.

A group of scientists from the University of Alberta, Canada have synthesized a strain of artificial smallpox virus, a study published in Science makes many people fear about the

Researchers at Seoul National University in South Korea show that male infertility can be related to a long, noisy sleep environment.

A new study suggests that infection in childhood is associated with an increased risk of gluten allergy or celiac disease in life.

New research shows that women survived cancer with or less than one third of the chance of pregnancy compared to normal women.

A new study has found that mental disorders such as ADHD in children can increase their risk of addiction after adulthood.

Relax your mind if you have heart disease because a study has found that people who often experience moderate to severe mental stress, have a higher risk of death in heart

A new type of cartilage made from stem cells via bioprinter 3D technology that supports treatment for newly launched knee surgery receives the attention of the medical community.

A new study found postmenopausal women at the highest risk of fracture can be overcome from hormone therapy.

We all know that there are 4 basic groups, A, B, O and AB. But why, humans have to divide into such blood groups?

A new study shows that 27% of nursing home residents are tested positive for gram-negative bacteria, also known as MDR-GNR (multidrug-resistant TB bacteria).

The truth is that in some cases the human body can survive the loss of 2/3 of the blood.