A new study has found that when babies are stressed, their brains respond strongly to pain, but they do not seem to express this through crying.
Using stem cell therapy, US researchers have successfully eliminated type 1 diabetes - a chronic disease in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin - in the mouse model.
Do you often lack sleep and are in the habit of hitting or kicking while you sleep? Note, according to a study, this may be a sign of a disorder involving Parkinson's disease,
A 20-year therapeutic drug widely used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) can also help fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
One study found that antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine may make cancer treatment more effective.
Low levels of vitamin D in newborns are associated with an increased risk of autism disorder (ASD) at age three.
Exposure to cigarette smoke during pregnancy of a mother or infant 3 to 15 months of age is associated with an increased risk of asthma in the newborn. All published in a latest
Artificial ovarian transplantation can be a safer, natural, and more effective option in menopausal women who face hot flashes, sleep problems, and weight gain. and bone
Stomach cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, because symptoms rarely appear at first, but regular heartburn can be a sign of cancer, also known as stomach cancer.
A study warns that women who use hormonal birth control pills (hormonal birth control pills), including regular birth control pills, also have an increased risk of breast cancer.
According to a new study, lack of sleep is related to diabetes by high blood sugar levels in pregnant women.
Genetics plays a strong role in discovering the environment visually by studying the eye movements of twins.
Be careful! According to a new study, people with chronic kidney disease may be vulnerable to negative effects from poor sleep, usually only about 6.5 hours of sleep each night.
Scientists have identified a mechanism that makes the virus mutate rapidly, which may be an important premise in finding ways to treat new flu.
According to a recent study, half of the recent cancer drugs that have appeared on the market have had some evidence that they are not active to enhance or sustain patients.
Doctors at a Mumbai hospital have removed the world's heaviest kidney tumor that is thought to weigh up to 5.5 kg, giving them a new world record.
Researchers in Brazil have used a human brain in the form of miniature biological models to reveal the effects of hallucinations with neurological toughness, inflammation and
Cases of invasive fungal infection are known to cause many deaths.
The National Institute of Alcohol and Drug Abuse has designed a new online tool to help people identify and find ways to treat alcohol use disorder.
In a groundbreaking study, London scientists have invented smart nanoparticles that have high warming potential to kill cancer cells.