Referring to Dubai - one of the seven states of the UAE, surely some of us will think of wealth and luxury right away?
John Holland and Jarvis Harris, two researchers at Harvard University, found a way to control smoke, making them actually flow down like a still water.
Please join to answer the following 5 quizzes to prove you are no less intelligent than 5th graders!
If you have difficulty solving simple Math problems, then it is not your fault. The problem is that no one teaches you simple but super fast math tips at school. Here are 11
In addition to buying aircraft models in stores, you can create your own unique, mini-home helicopter from old plastic bottles.
You can completely create your own remote control aircraft at home with easy-to-buy materials at aircraft model parts stores.
According to a recent study, antioxidants in coffee and some other anti-inflammatory substances are greatly reduced during roasting at roasting levels. That means less roasted
The experiment to generate electricity from potatoes to light a small bulb is no longer strange to many people, but making a self-driving potato like a self-propelled car is
Let us discover what you saw first in these 4 photos, which will reveal your personality traits!
The slightly tiny bubbles turned out to be able to affect nerves in an unexpected way.
Join to admire 18 impressive maps of the world you may not have seen in books!
Do you want to know what your marriage life will be like? That is very simple. Look what kind of love line on your hands is below and see the results!
Every day we can see and use thousands of different characters and symbols, but not all of us have questions and learn about them. Please refer to decoding 7 familiar symbols but
With a bit of creativity, tinkering and dexterity you get a simple mini water pump that makes it easy to get water like the ones we often see in restaurants.
A statistical study was conducted to show that couples should marry between the ages of 28 and 32 if they do not want to divorce, at least in the first 5 years after marriage.
Today, taking photos becomes too easy and simple with a travel camera to smartphones. However, with just a bit of creativity, you can turn a matchbox into a beautiful and
Is it more intelligent, the faster you think, the worse the writing is? Let's discover 26 interesting facts about human psychology that you never know below!
New 2D materials that conduct electricity at the speed of light are the latest scientifically engineered products that can be applied to future supercomputers and quantum
Join to observe 13 optical illusions that make you distrust your eyes, disturb your thoughts, and you may realize a truth: Things aren't what you see. Please watch
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