Here are 10 sounds that make people feel the most uncomfortable, researched and found by scientists.
The Arcadia Planitia area is quite flat, very convenient for construction and research. New satellite images show that under the plain of Arcadia Planitia, there may be a glacier
The Blue Brain project led by neuroscientist Henry Markham of the Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland has found that although we are used to seeing the
Have you ever wondered why we have facial facial hair? In fact, scientists have shown that antennae are not a biological trait of the body the way we thought for many years.
This legendary wallpaper is so sharp that you might think it is a product of computer graphics. While in fact, the person taking this photo is American photographer Charles O'Rear,
According to CNN, this space weather phenomenon can cause communication interruptions such as GPS positioning errors, or interference in the grid and radio waves.
Behind the brilliant beauty of the fireworks displays is a feat of engineering. The size and shape of the fireworks are also varied depending on the purpose.
A combination of hydrogel (water gel) and aerogel (gas gel), this material can hold objects colder for up to 5 times longer than similar materials.
With just one breakthrough, the group of researchers made the energy industry, the material science branch, the space travel industry excitedly present.
This is just one of a cluster of stars orbiting the giant black hole Sagittarius A * located at the center of our galaxy.
Not only possesses a strange appearance, a number of gold-plated macaque or red-faced macaque, ... are also extremely rare, listed in the Red Book of the World.
Most of what people see in TV commercials is a lie.
What are the secrets that we still don't know?
Among the many minerals found in Australia, there is a gemstone called opal (a cat's eye stone), considered a priceless treasure in the Middle Ages and respected by the Greeks. But
A photo of a strange object shaped like a 'human bone' on the Martian surface has been decoded by NASA
It is the furthest point on Earth in the north, where all meridians meet ...
Scientists from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Moscow (Russia) recently made a ceramic-like material that is more heat-resistant than any other
Why are they the same sea creatures, but the big whales swim in a way that swings their tail up and down and sharks and many other fish swing their tails sideways horizontally?
An article in a scientific report describing a new Tyrannosaurus fossil from Montana, USA proves that Tyrannosaurus has a 'sixth sense'!
Since its first discovery to date, the Fermi Bubble has caused astronomers around the world to have a 'headache' for not being able to find the origin of this giant gamma-ray