The Internet of Things (IoT) has been, will and will bring a complete change to human life, but it will also bring us a lot of troubles.

Another great victory for Microsoft against state-sponsored hackers.

The year 2020 is near, and here are particularly serious gaps that need urgent patching.

The ability to search for Messenger users by phone number has been completely disabled by Facebook.

The world of security is constantly moving, in parallel with the development speed of the internet as well as the technology field.

2019 continues to be a volatile year for global security circles. Many new and modern security methods are introduced, but along with it is the continuous progress from malicious

Nvidia knows how to please users when sending them a meaningful 'gift' at Christmas, which is an emergency security patch for the GeForce GPU.

LockerGoga and MegaCortex are currently two of the ransomware strains that cause the biggest damage in 2019.

The domain name is one of the most important assets in the internet.

OnePlus has just launched a new security bug bonus program called OnePlus Security Feedback Center (OneSRC).

The 2020 Tokyo Olympics are no more advantageous opportunity for cyber criminals to take advantage of illicit profits.

Organizations operating in the field of health - healthcare are increasingly becoming victims of cybercrime.

This botnet is called MyKingz (also known as Smominru, DarkCloud or Hexmen).

The trend of awarding security bug detection bounties is growing widely in the modern technology world.

Google has issued a notice banning a number of popular Linux browsers from signing in to its services.

Adobe has just released a series of important periodic security updates to fix simple to serious vulnerabilities ...

Some legitimate, useful and necessary applications can be turned into Stalkerware if they fall into the hands of a hacker.

According to statistics of the Microsoft Threat Research team, millions of users of Microsoft services have the habit of using the same password for multiple accounts and

International cybersecurity researchers recently discovered a fake website that hides a VPN service, but is actually used to spread and install two malicious password-stealing

Ransomware appears to be redirecting attacks to major data centers on a global scale.