5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

As one of the 'ocean floor queen', starfish contains 5 interesting facts that no one shivers.

As one of the 'ocean floor queen', starfish contains 5 interesting facts that no one shivers.

1. Equipped with a hydraulic system to move

Picture 1 of 5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

Few people know that our 'queen of the sea' has a strange body movement mechanism at the bottom of the sea. It is thanks to the small tube-like leg system, the inside of the body also has a vascular system, the sea water will pass through this circuit, creating the combined force with small tube-like legs to move.

According to NOAA Research Institute, starfish can move at one meter per minute.

2. Self-manufacture glue to stick

Picture 2 of 5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

Starfish has a rather odd talent that is able to produce glue at the top of the tube legs to adhere to the surface that it wants to cling to, preventing the impact of sea-pushing.

Even, this glue is used to adhere to the favorite oysters and prey of the starfish family.

Talking about this feature, Echinoblog page states: 'it is a complex biological and physical mechanism especially for this marine species '.

3. Talent eating

Picture 3 of 5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

Few doubts that starfish also has an unprecedented 'bait' technique. It uses a suction system on the body, cling to two parts of the oyster shell and then use the force to separate it until the oyster can't stand it, then "open mouth". Then, my thick, upside-down starfish came out of my mouth and swallowed the oyster's body. So he had to eat an oyster meal with a unique way of eating and full.

4. There are eyes at the ends of the legs

Picture 4 of 5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

It is unbelievable that instead of equipping the eyes in the center of the body like other organisms, starfish have an eye system on the tubular legs. These eyes are called teensy, they work well in light and shadow under the sea. This eye system is usually not fully developed but is only used for navigation.

5. Quick gender change

Picture 5 of 5 surprising facts about 'Queen of the ocean floor': Starfish

Sea stars also have an oddity that many people are surprised that it is willing to transpose from male to female when necessary, such as during the time of birth, there are too many males that exist too much, and the sea stars. Other males are ready to turn into starfish for the purpose of integrating 'sisters'. And it can 'transsexual' again if it finds it necessary.

Update 24 May 2019


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