YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

YEARFRAC function: The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel. Syntax: YEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, [basis])

The following article introduces you to the YEARFRAC function - one of the functions in the date and time group function is very popular in Excel.

Picture 1 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

Description: The function returns the fifth as a whole number of days between two specific dates in Excel.

Syntax: YEARFRAC (start_date, end_date, [basis])


- start_date: The start date to calculate the number of years, is a required parameter.

- end_date: The desired date to calculate the number of years, is a required parameter.

- basis: The basis for determining how to count dates, is an optional parameter including the following values:

+ basis = 0 -> Base counting days in US (NASD) 30/360.

+ basis = 1 -> Basis counting days is the actual number of days / actual year.

+ basis = 2 -> The basis of counting days is the number of actual days / 1 year 360 days.

+ basis = 3 -> Basis for counting days is the actual number of days / year with 365 days.

+ basis = 4 -> Base counting days according to EUROPEAN 30/360.


- Excel stores the date as a serial number to facilitate the calculation process.

- All function arguments, if it is a decimal -> are truncated to integers.

- If the value of start_date, end_date is not a valid date -> the function returns the #VALUE! Error value

- If basis is outside of values ​​0 to 4 -> the function returns the #NUM! Error value

For example:

Calculate the number of years corresponding to the following time period:

Picture 2 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

- In the cell to calculate enter the formula: = YEARFRAC (E7, F7, G7).

Picture 3 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

- Press Enter -> the value corresponding to the above 2 dates is:

Picture 4 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

- Similarly copying the formula for the remaining values ​​results:

Picture 5 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

- Where the basis value is outside the scope of its values ​​-> the function returns the #NUM! Error value

Picture 6 of YEARFRAC function - The function returns the fifth calculated by the number of whole days between two specific dates in Excel

Above are instructions and some specific examples when using the YEARFRAC function in Excel.

Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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