Work efficiently on Mac with Active Screen Corners

Active Screen Corners will allow you to perform some actions without it you will not be able to, or will have to perform on your keyboard with the hard work of your hand.

Network Administration - OS X has a very interesting tool and features built right into the operating system. One of the most interesting things that people like is Active Screen Corners . Using Active Screen Corners not only helps users to use the Mac more conveniently and easily. Active Screen Corners will allow you to perform some actions without it you will not be able to, or will have to perform on your keyboard with the hard work of your hand.


To use Active Screen Corners, we first need to turn it on and set it up. You don't have to worry much about this because the process of performing these operations is quite fast and easy. Go to System Preferences , then click Exposé & Spaces . The first screen you will see is the Exposé tab and the first dialog box in this tab is the one we want to mention, that dialog box is called Active Screen Corners (see the picture below if you are not sure if you have is the same window or not). To activate them, you just need to select an action from each drop-down list. One interesting thing about this dialog is that you don't need to activate every corner. After you've selected the action you want the Mac to take when dragging the mouse to a certain corner, simply close System Preferences and now everything is ready for you to take your action!

Picture 1 of Work efficiently on Mac with Active Screen Corners

What can Active Screen Corners do?

When you drag your mouse to a corner of the screen, Active Screen Corners can display certain screens for you. The screens here include:

  1. All Windows
  2. Windows Application
  3. Desktop
  4. Dashboard
  5. Spaces
  6. Start Screensaver
  7. Disable Screensaver
  8. Put Display to Sleep

Each of these screens is an action you can take with the Mac to highlight Exposé and other interesting Mac features, all of which will be smooth and is more original when using Active Corners. Here are some detailed examples for the list above according to what is most useful.


Some users are more inclined to use the Desktop as a clipboard type . Almost nothing exists here forever, because you can remove some things to make it look good and start faster. This action allows you to have a place where you can save some files within a few minutes, hours, days, or weeks and then quickly access them again if needed later, can be used or deleted. . Usually you need to drag a file to a certain location. Desktop action will allow you to access your desktop to do this. You just need to set it up in the lower left corner or somewhere, then when you need any file on the desktop, just shake the mouse in the lower left corner to make it appear quickly.

Picture 2 of Work efficiently on Mac with Active Screen Corners

All Windows

All Windows is also a favorite activity for many users. It can be set in the upper right corner and allows users to quickly and easily access the window they have opened on the Mac, whether it is available or not, and then click it. to make it a positive window. This is a very useful feature if you have to handle many photos that have been opened in Photoshop and lose track of a certain image you are looking for.

Picture 3 of Work efficiently on Mac with Active Screen Corners

Windows Application

Application Windows - Application Windows - can be an unused action, but it is a time saver. Similar to All Windows, it gives you quick access and open windows, but only displays the windows that are relevant to your current active application. For example, if you are opening Photoshop and want quick access to a file you have opened but it is currently hidden behind other windows, you can use All Windows. If you are currently opening a lot of Safari windows, iTurn and maybe a Finder window or two, Application Windows will be very helpful for you in this case. By shaking the mouse in the upper left corner of the screen, you can call up Photoshop windows, then find out what you need easily.

Picture 4 of Work efficiently on Mac with Active Screen Corners

Put Display to Sleep

The left corner of the screen you can use it to turn off the display. This is a great feature when you are using the battery and do not want to "sleep" the whole computer, because you will come back in a few minutes, but you also do not want to waste battery while the computer is Free home. An action of shaking the mouse in the lower right corner, the screen, which consumes the most power of the battery is the computer screen will be turned off and then can be turned back on by moving your mouse cursor .

Update 25 May 2019


Mac OS X



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