Windows Vista copy 168 MB in ... 131 years?

Microsoft 's new operating system is slow to slow down and there are shocking announcements when users copy some photos to a DVD drive, even if the device has 1.25 GB of RAM, runs the Centrino Pentium M740 chip.

Microsoft 's new operating system is slow to slow down and there are shocking announcements when users copy some photos to a DVD drive, even if the device has 1.25 GB of RAM, runs the Centrino Pentium M740 chip.

Picture 1 of Windows Vista copy 168 MB in ... 131 years?

There are 48,167 days and 23 hours to move 168 MB.

Adrian Procter, who encountered the problem and announced on The Register technology page, had to turn to Nero 7 software and the copying process took only a few minutes. "I've never had a problem with copying the disc," he said. "But when updating from Windows XP to Vista, there are occasional problems with USB drives and drives, this time it's the funniest."

Picture 2 of Windows Vista copy 168 MB in ... 131 years?

Copying 23.9 GB requires an additional 36,843 days.

Another user also reported this silly delay when moving 23.9 GB which the machine requested to wait 36,843 days, over 100 years.

In March, Vista had a "stall" phenomenon when copying, moving or deleting files. Microsoft released the patch but now continues to repeat the error.

Viet Toan

Update 25 May 2019


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