Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Please refer to the article below with TipsMake to know the cause and how to fix the error of computer not recognizing USB as quickly as possible.

In the process of using USB, you will certainly often encounter a situation where the computer does not recognize the USB. This not only affects work but also makes users feel uncomfortable. There are many different reasons why a computer cannot connect to USB. Please refer to the article below with TipsMake to know the cause and how to fix the error of computer not recognizing USB as quickly as possible.

Reasons why the computer does not recognize USB

USB is an indispensable external storage device for computer users. Storing important data on USB will help you use it on any computer. However, sometimes during use you will encounter a situation where your computer does not recognize USB, causing your work to be interrupted. There are many causes leading to this problem, below are the most common causes:

  1. Due to poor contact of the USB port on the computer: If you plug the USB into the computer but the computer does not recognize it, the USB port is likely clogged with dust or the contact point is not good.
  2. The computer is infected with a virus: A virus entering the computer will cause data to be destroyed, the operating system to be damaged, etc. This will make the computer unable to receive USB.
  3. The computer does not recognize the USB Driver or receives the wrong Driver: If your computer displays a message to receive the USB Driver but still cannot connect to the USB, it means the USB Driver is incorrect.
  4. Error of missing USB symbol: Your operating system cannot set up a symbol for the external storage device, so it will lead to a situation where the USB cannot be recognized.
  5. USB port is locked.

Picture 1 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Ways to fix a computer that doesn't recognize USB

There are many ways to fix the problem of the computer not recognizing USB. Depending on the cause, there will be different solutions. Please refer to it below.

The USB port has poor contact due to dirt

When encountering a situation where the computer does not recognize USB, the most basic step is to clean the computer's USB port. You can use dry cotton to clean the outside and use a specialized brush or air spray to clean dirt on the inside. Please note that you need to avoid using liquid solutions because they may cause electronic circuits to be damaged. Then, try plugging and reconnecting the USB to the computer.

Picture 2 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Because the computer lacks USB Drivers

This is one of the very common reasons why computers cannot receive USB. This situation often occurs with newly purchased or newly installed computers. How to fix this error is also extremely simple, anyone can do it easily.

To fix it, you just need to download the USB device driver and install it on your computer. Currently, there are many software on the market that help you update your computer's drivers easily. You can refer to Wandriver software, this is a compact software, very suitable for updating drivers for any computer.

In addition to using the software above, you can also update the Driver manually as follows:

  1. Step 1: First, you plug the USB into the computer. Right click on the Computer (This PC) icon and click Manage.

Picture 3 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 2: Next, in the Computer Management window , click Device Manager . At this point, on the right will be all the Drivers currently on your computer.

Picture 4 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 3: Click Uninstall to remove the USB driver. Then, remove the USB from the computer and wait a few minutes, then plug the USB back into the computer so that the computer will automatically update the USB driver.

Picture 5 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Restart the computer

Restarting the computer is a method many people apply to many different errors, including the error of the computer not recognizing USB. Restarting will help the computer return to a stable state, thereby overcoming errors due to software conflicts. Therefore, if your computer cannot receive USB, try this method immediately.

Picture 6 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

The computer is infected with a virus

A virus-infected computer can cause a variety of problems, including USB failure. Viruses can enter the system via an infected USB or through files downloaded from the internet or email. When a virus enters a computer, it can change system settings or cause errors in identifying peripheral devices.

When your computer does not recognize USB, you can try some solutions such as installing and running an anti-virus program to scan and remove viruses from your computer. After that, restart your computer to check if it has received the USB. If the computer still does not receive it, try resetting Windows or reinstalling Windows to return the computer to its cleanest state.

Picture 7 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

USB port is locked

If you have tried many ways but still cannot fix the error of the computer not receiving USB, try checking to see if the computer's USB port is locked or not. To unlock the USB port, just do the following:

  1. Step 1: First , in the search bar of your computer, type the keyword Registry Editor and click Open Registry Editor. 

Picture 8 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 2: Then, click Yes.

Picture 9 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 3: Next, Copy and Paste the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesUSBSTOR into the search box.

Picture 10 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 4: In the Value Data section , click Start . If your computer's number is 4 , change it to number 3 and click Ok .

Picture 11 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Error missing USB symbol

This is also one of the common reasons why the computer does not recognize USB. When you encounter this error, what you need to do is add a symbol to the USB so that the USB can be displayed on the computer:

  1. Step 1: Access the This PC application on your computer.

Picture 12 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 2: Next, right-click on the This PC icon and click Manage .

Picture 13 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 3: In the Storage section , select Disk Management > Right click on the USB drive > Click Change Drive Letters and Paths .
  2. Step 4: Click Add…

Picture 14 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

  1. Step 5: Then, click on the Assign the following drive letter box > select the letter you want, for example D > Click OK to complete. Once completed, your computer will display a notification in the right corner of the screen.

Picture 15 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

Due to faulty USB hardware or USB port

The computer not recognizing the USB may also be due to a hardware error in the USB or USB port. When the USB is damaged or the USB port is not working properly, the computer will not recognize the USB device.

Picture 16 of Why does the computer not recognize USB and the fastest way to fix it?

To check if the problem is due to hardware, you can try inserting the USB into another port on the computer or try using another USB on the same USB port. If another USB works fine on that port, the error may be coming from the USB's hardware. If another USB doesn't work on that port, the error may be coming from the USB port on your computer.

To fix this problem, you can try changing the USB or other USB port on the computer. If the problem persists, you should take your USB or computer to a service center for inspection and repair. 


Thus, there are many ways to fix the error of the computer not recognizing USB. First you need to find the cause so you can come up with a suitable solution. Hopefully the information shared by TipsMake in the above article will help you quickly fix the problem of your computer not recognizing USB.

Update 10 October 2023


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