Which criteria do YouTube calculate Top Trending?

No Top Trending rankings are paid for.

No Top Trending rankings are paid for.

YouTube often appreciates videos that are:

  1. Attract many audience members.
  2. Does not carry deception, sentence view or too sensational in the negative direction.
  3. Catch the trend of popular news on YouTube and the world.
  4. New, profound and special.

Of course, YouTube will try to balance all these factors to choose the most desirable Top Trending ranking for each video. In addition, they also publish specific criteria to look at reviewing (but this is only a recommendation, not completely binding on all situations):

  1. View amount.
  2. Rate and frequency of view increase over time.
  3. View source to see where the video comes from (in or out of YouTube, live video or by placing ads .)
  4. The time the video is available on YouTube since it was posted.

Picture 1 of Which criteria do YouTube calculate Top Trending?

YouTube explains: "We will synthesize all criteria to select the Top Trending list most accurately in each stage, usually updating every 15 minutes.

A video with the highest view of the day is not necessarily in the Top 1 Trending, or the video with a higher view rate is probably not on the ranking of other videos .

Even if your video has all the elements you need, but if it's not enough to beat many other videos better, you're not sure to get into the Top Trending. No Top Trending rankings are paid to buy. "

Eian Beron - a long-experienced YouTube channel owner - shares on YouTube's support page:

"There are a lot of automated algorithms to work on people on YouTube, choose to calculate the hotness as well as control the view of videos. Wanting to upload videos to Top Trending needs a lot of factors, not just view or frequency of views .

These algorithms will scan continuously all new videos up every minute, so if the video disappears it may be due to a decrease in Trending rate or being included in the process of checking indicators. If the test is still sufficient enough to stay in Top Trending, it will show up immediately, otherwise it will depend on the cause for further processing. "

According to genK

See more:

  1. The new version of YouTube allows a time limit to watch, reminding users when watching videos for too long
  2. How to get MP3 links from Youtube
  3. 6 tactics to make money on Youtube you should not miss
  4. How to turn on the feature that prompts you to watch videos too long on Youtube
Update 24 May 2019


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