What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

The fact that users forget the password to log in to the computer is frequent. And how will they fix this problem? In the following article, TipsMake.com will show you how to retrieve your login password with Mac OS X operating system

Picture 1 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

QuanTriMang.com - The fact that users forget their password to log in to the computer is frequent. And how will they fix this problem? In the following article, TipsMake.com will show you how to retrieve your login password with Mac OS X.

If you use Windows, everything is quite simple using Hiren Boot, Ubuntu Live CD or Ophcrak. But with Mac OS X, it's not as complicated as people say, just a few tips that we can overcome this problem.

Use the installation disc

This is the first method we mentioned, please use the Mac OS X installation disk. Insert the disc into the DVD drive and boot from there:

Picture 2 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

Then select Utilities> Reset Password:

Picture 3 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

Select the volume containing the account to change the password, and select the account from the list (here is System Administrator), create a new password and suggestions (if desired). Note that you can change the ACL ( Access Control List ) file system directly here while retrieving the password. Once completed, save the changes and reboot the system:

Picture 4 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

And now, you can log into Mac OS X easily with the newly created password.

Change Mac OS X on the first boot

Here's another way to do it, which can be easier and simpler when the system starts booting into Single User Mode and deleting the file as a 'notification' task for Mac OS X that the installation process is The first is complete.

To boot into Single User Mode, restart the computer while holding the Command and S keys after the start signal. After booting into this mode, move to the desired partition with the following command:

sudo mount -uw /

and delete the AppleSetupDone file as follows:

rm -rf /var/db/.AppleSetupDone

Restart with the command:


And then, you start again like the first install with the Welcome screen. When you come to the following screen, remember to select Don't transfer my information now:

Picture 5 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

Next, in this step Enter Your Apple ID , press Command + Q to skip. Select Skip when the system requires:

Picture 6 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

Here, you will create a new Administrator account, enter any name here because you need to go to the operating system and set up System Preferences inside:

Picture 7 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

Continuing until the Thank You screen is almost finished. Click the Go button here:

Picture 8 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

When logging into the system with the account you just created, select System Preferences> Accounts:

Picture 9 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

And now, select the account to recover the password and click Reset Password .:

Picture 10 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

And similar to the previous method, you declare a new password, suggestions and select Reset Password:

Picture 11 of What will you do when you forget your Mac OS X login password

And now, you can login to the old account and the newly created password. These are some simple and effective ways when users forget their login password when they use Mac OS X. Wish you success!

Update 25 May 2019


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