VNNIC supports to overcome international Internet cable breakdown

Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) has sent an official letter to Internet service providers (ISPs) to help units respond to incidents caused by AAG cable off.

Vietnam Internet Network Information Center (VNNIC) has sent an official letter to Internet service providers (ISPs) to help units respond to incidents caused by AAG cable off.


Picture 1 of VNNIC supports to overcome international Internet cable breakdown

Previously, on the morning of December 21, FPT Telecom issued a notice saying that up to 60% of Vietnam Internet traffic going abroad is affected by the AAG ( Asia-America Gateway) cable breakdown in 18 hours. 1 minute on December 20.

Information from VNNIC representative, issued on December 25, said that the AAG cable breakdown in addition to affecting international Internet access, in some cases may affect access to used services. .vn domain name if international bandwidth is not guaranteed.

Therefore, VNNIC instructs ISPs to automatically configure DNS to forward queries into VNNIC 's Caching Name Sever (DNS Cache) systems to ensure secure access to services using .vn domain names .

Mr. Nguyen Hong Thang , Deputy Director of VNNIC 's technical department said that normally when this incident occurs, businesses often switch to other international connection. However, these routes may also be overloaded, forcing businesses to expand bandwidth and need time.

In addition, businesses can ' travel ' through other businesses through their own direct connection available. Or, businesses can through the National Internet Transfer Station ( VNIX - VNNIC) to 'go through' international connections of other businesses.

' Previously, FPT Telecom also suffered from international cable breakage, so it asked Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group to go through VNIX ,' Mr. Thang gave an example.

VNNIC technical manager also shared that this unit has built 7 national DNS clusters, deployed in 70 major cities in the world on 5 continents and with 2 DNS Caching systems (buffer) to ensure Navigation system of Vietnam Internet ( .vn ) is ready to serve with the worst situations. Therefore, access to Internet service on .vn domain name is still safe for many years and especially the recent breakdown of fiber optic cable.

' In the coming days, VNNIC will continue to monitor and coordinate with enterprises to divert traffic, best rescue reserves to ensure smooth Internet access ,' Mr. Thang closed.

Update 25 May 2019


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