Users are 'unfairly paying' flash messages?

In the large-scale inspection on prepaid mobile subscribers, the Inspectorate has discovered a variation of spam messages sent by the network operators, causing users to lose money without knowing it.

In the large-scale inspection on prepaid mobile subscribers, the Inspectorate has discovered a variation of spam messages sent by the network operators, causing users to lose money without knowing it.

Picture 1 of Users are 'unfairly paying' flash messages?

Specifically, through the built-in SIM software such as LiveInfo, V-Live, IOD, the network has sent flash messages to provide services. This type of message automatically appears on the phone, forcing the user to open the message. After that, the message automatically disappears and is not saved on the recipient's phone.

Once the user opens the message, the phone will automatically activate the application available on the SIM to send the message to tolled numbers. These flash messages have quite a lot of different content, with attractive headlines such as Daily Horoscopes; Adding energy from feng shui information or "Extremely hot music, extreme entertainment" .

When the user selects ' Accept ', the device will display a Menu and when touching the items of this Menu the phone will automatically send a message to the numbers and deduct the money in the main account.

On January 27, VNCERT Center and Ministry Inspectorate sent an official dispatch to mobile enterprises asking to stop and stop sending flash messages but this situation continued to appear in some businesses.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung , Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Information and Communications, proposed that the Ministry should soon organize a Conference with the participation of the Ministries, Telecommunications Department and business representatives right in the first half of March to consider handling the termination of the operational points. dynamic of integrated SIM services, as well as tighten management for spam messages of this type. Small networks also need to manually review the service and stop integrating similar services.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Inspectorate will continue to coordinate with relevant units to strengthen the review of signs of violation of telecommunications enterprises, conduct inspections. irregularly to handle according to regulations.

Update 25 May 2019


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