This tool will help bring iOS-specific applications to Android

Skip was created to enable existing iOS app developers to create native Android apps

One of the big challenges for app developers is that they often have to build separate apps for both iOS and Android. While there are cross-platform frameworks like React Native for app development, this often results in a suboptimal experience on both platforms.

Skip has been in beta for over a year, but now the framework has been released to the public for use by application developers. In fact, if you are an independent developer, you can use this tool completely free of charge.

Picture 1 of This tool will help bring iOS-specific applications to Android

If you're an iOS app developer, Skip takes your existing Swift and SwiftUI code and compiles it to Kotlin and Compose, as if the app were natively written for Android. Your iOS code stays the same, and you also continue to use Xcode to keep both platforms in a unified code base.

You can also choose which code to share between the two platforms, and which code you want to keep separate for each platform. This tool also allows you to use any Swift/Objective-C library for iOS and any Kotlin/Java library on Android.

If you are an iOS developer and want to bring your app to Android, try Skip! This tool will definitely help significantly reduce the barrier to entry when creating native Android apps for small developers.

Update 19 August 2024


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