urls = $$('a'); for (url in urls) console.log ( urls[url].href );
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Find the link you want. After running the command, you will see a list of links on the website. If the download or page you need is also on this website, you can access it by clicking on that link.
Links have extensions.cssor.jsare not download links, but lead to other elements of the site. You can ignore them.
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Visit a website with a survey. You can use any browser to access the Inspect Element function. This function allows you to disable existing elements of the website, potentially blocking surveys.
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Right click on the survey page. Select "Inspect Element" in the menu bar. The developer window will appear below the browser. As you hover your mouse around the website, you will see different items highlighted on the screen.
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Look for 'survey' and 'overlay'. As you highlight different sections on the screen, look for the words 'survey' and 'cover' in the code. These are elements that prevent you from accessing the content you want.
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Copy the search section into the console section. Copy and paste the following into the console section then press the Enter key. urls = $$('a'); for (url in urls) console.log ( urls[url].href );
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Repeat the above steps for all survey elements. In addition to automatically removing the survey, you will have to remove the overlay that is blocking you from accessing the content below. Removing this overlay makes the site 'lighter', which allows you to access the content behind the scenes.
Removing the overlay may remove your scrollbars. You can use the mouse scroll bar to continue working.
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Find sources of fake information. If you can't find a way to access the content, or the site is programmed to require you to complete a survey, you can use fake information to fill out the survey.
One of the most popular websites is FakeNameGenerator.com, it allows you to create a complete fake identity including name, phone number, address, occupation and more.
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Create an identity. Collect all the information you need to fill out the survey.
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Fill in fake information in the survey. If you need an email address for authentication, create a free account, then you can access your email and try the links sent to you.