Search results: speaking skills

let's review and apply 10 ways to make a good impression right from the first meeting to become a knowledgeable person!

too much joking, reading slides, excuses for being late or not preparing well before standing on stage are the most basic errors that many speakers have.

a guide to learning english through movies is very simple and everyone can learn it.

sometimes speaking straight is not a good thing, especially in a workplace environment.

in business and work, networking needs to be recognized and implemented in a more professional and professional way if you want to achieve the highest efficiency.

the 10 most common ways to say that if you use too much at the office, you may be blacklisted by your boss and your colleagues are shunned.

do you want to be a person who always makes the audience excited when giving a presentation to the crowd like famous speaker tony robbins or billionaire bill gates?

intelligence is extremely important and i will tell you why. smart people make smart decisions and that is the most important factor affecting things that will happen to a person