10 ways to make a good impression right from the first meeting

Let's review and apply 10 ways to make a good impression right from the first meeting to become a knowledgeable person!

To ensure a dream job in the future or create a sustainable relationship, impressing the first meeting is the foundation for you to get any relationship. On the Bright Side page, there are 10 ways to impress others right from the first meeting . Consider and apply these elements to become a knowledgeable person!

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1. Be proactive

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For the first time in contact with strangers, you must be proactive in breaking the awkward atmosphere with a real smile and talking with close topics to promote a conversation. This shows your positive attitude towards the conversation and helps you express yourself in the best way.

2. Learn to communicate in body language

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Body language can say a lot about you even if you haven't introduced yourself. For example, leaning slightly toward the person you're talking to and avoiding crossing your arms in front of your chest will help you look more comfortable and relaxed. In general, when communicating with strangers, you have to hold a posture ( whether standing or sitting ) how to create a feeling of not too close, but not too strange.

3. Make eye contact

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While talking to someone, if you don't look at the other person, it will make you feel like you don't want to talk to them. Conversely, if staring at the opponent's eyes, they will create an uncomfortable feeling for them. Instead, the best way of eye contact is to move your gaze in the position between the eyes of the opposite person, or look at their nose and mouth. Doing so will give them the feeling that you are still paying attention to them but not making the other person feel embarrassed.

4. Focus

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Always pay close attention to what others are saying so you can use that information as a stepping stone to lead the story. If you show yourself very interested in what the other person is saying, they will be more open, want to share more and from there the conversation will go smoothly.

5. Ask questions

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When you have stressful situations, you may feel anxious and forget what you want to say. At such times, ask questions for your partner, not only to help you think more carefully, but also to turn your story around.

6. Find common topics

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When talking / communicating with someone, you should try to find common points of both. Interests and topics that both interest in will create a much more lively and enthusiastic conversation.

7. Express my own substance

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Each of us is an independent and separate individual. Each person's own quality is always highly appreciated. When you want to make a good impression on someone, start with unique stories instead of saying boring topics that no one cares about. Expressing a unique talent or an interesting hobby will help you make your own impressions and others will find you a worthwhile conversation.

8. Show humor

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In fact, it is difficult to create funny situations when talking to a new friend, but if you know how to joke at the right time and in the right context, it will be a big step towards success next. Conversely, if you are humorous and wrong at the right time, it will break your image.

9. Gather some information about the enemy before meeting

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Before meeting someone for the first time or an interview for example, it would be helpful if you learn some information about who will interview you or the company you apply for. Somehow, you will know what you need to prepare and the questions / situations that may occur during the interview. Moreover, you will have more information to discuss and ask questions as well as statements to please employers.

See also: Do ​​these 7 things in the interview, make sure employers will not forget you

10. Express comfort

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When preparing to meet someone you want to make the best impression, thinking about it too much and focusing on finding ways to express yourself will make you feel more anxious . that may make you crazy. The head is always there! So don't think about it too much, don't try to create your own image just be yourself!

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Having fun!

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