Search results: new malicious code

recently, researchers from talos (microsoft) and cisco have discovered a new type of malicious code that is very complex and has an extremely fast spreading speed.

symantec has discovered a new security threat, dubbed android.fakeneflic, that can exploit security holes on the android device's popular netflix application.

statistics released by security firm kaspersky yesterday (december 4) showed that the total number of new malware detected in 2008 reached 15 million.

security researchers from trend micro have discovered a new virtual money code that is attacking users via facebook messenger called facexworm.

a new type of malicious code appeared, taking advantage of vulnerabilities in the windows operating system (the ms17-010 vulnerability was announced in march 2017) to spread widely

from yesterday (december 18, 2017), a new type of malicious code has appeared and raged in vietnam. this malicious code is not too sophisticated but is spreading very fast through

security experts recommend users need to be more careful because every 10 minutes, a new variant of the virtual money digging virus appears on facebook messenger.